Advaita Vedanta, Non-Duality Publications
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Difference between Advaita & Vishishtadvaita?
Vedanta, one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, has given rise to several influential sub-schools, each offering unique perspectives on the nature of reality, the self, and…
Event of ‘Enlightenment' Versus Self-Actualization
INQUIRER: Confusion #1: I read (elsewhere) “Don’t mistake understanding for realization”. Confusion #2: Read about people who can provide a date and time to their awakening/realization. Comment? RESPONSE: Possibility…
Who Is the Detached Observer?
INQUIRER: Question 1: Who/what is the entity that is capable of inquiring into and perceiving the apparently real instruments of “my” subtle body during waking consciousness; the detached observer…
Dealing with Vedanta Doubts
INQUIRER: I was recommended John Wheeler's book “You Were Never Born.” Suddenly there was this subtle switch and it became clear that I was already what I was looking…
The Cycle of Rebirth Caused by Universal Ignorance
INQUIRER: Tell me if I’m correct… The Samskaras (impressions/tendencies/habits) are products of karma (performed actions). And karma is product of Samskara, because it's obvious our actions (karmas) are driven…
Vasana and Samskara
Is there any fundamental difference between vasana and samskara? RESPONSE: Vasana and samskara are essentially the same thing. Vasana are the impressions that are left on one’s psyche from…
Understanding Waking Consciousness
INQUIRER: I’m trying to clear up my understanding of waking consciousness. What exactly is the makeup of the unrealized waking state re: reflected Awareness? Is it the mirror in…
Atman and Brahman
What distinguishes Atman (Self) from Brahman (Awareness)? In the Vedanta equation: Awareness + Maya = Ishwara. And on the other side: Atman + Ignorance = Jiva (individual soul). RESPONSE:…
What is an Ideal Seeker of Truth – Part 42
In previous discussion, we saw the role of prayers and rituals doesn't contradict knowledge of oneself as the Whole. They both cultivate the mind but also serve as form…
Role of Prayers and Rituals – Part 41
In previous discussion, we debated a malformed conclusion that Absolute reality, being the substance of all-that-is, is somehow an experience to be obtained in the future. However our pupil's…
Mystical Experience or Knowledge – Part 40
In previous debate, it was suggested that everyone has already glimpsed wholeness. A feeling of home-coming. A sense of completeness. “I don't want anything to be different right now”….
Fallacy of Nothingness Teaching – Part 39
Previous discussion reconciled God's Will and individual's free will. The next question was inevitable considering it's wide-spread status. It's to do with notion that existence is a void or…
If God is Everything, Explain Immorality & Violence – Part 38
In the previous discussion, we demonstrated there's no essential difference between this world you live in and experience every moment and the Cause of this universe. How was this…
Is the Universe a Part of God? Am I a Part? – Part 37
The previous discussion demonstrated logically that Ishvara (God) can't have any attributes of it's own. Not even divine attributes like love, compassion, benevolence… as is often assumed. Why not?……
How Can Lord Be Without Attributes or Qualities? – Part 36
In prior discussion, we elaborated there's no question of Lord being in a different place called heaven. This assumption contradicts omnipresence, which means there's no place where His presence…
All-Loving God in Heaven – Part 35
In previous discussion 34, it was shown as long as we think we are finite individuals — the vastness of the universe will dwarf us. The smallness a person…
Limitless Consciousness and God – Part 34
It was pointed out in conversation 33, that knowledge of One without a Second, is not meant to create indifference towards your daily world engagements. It's not supposed to…
If World is Mithya, Why Help Others? – Part 33
We explained in conversation 32 that Advaita Vedanta teachings are not tautology (useless repetitions). What is Advaita Vedanta? It's a means of knowledge, through words, which reveals the absolute…
Difference Between Brahmā (Creator) and Brahman
A short article in response to a common question: What is the connection with Brahman and Brahmā (also called Brahmaji)? Brahmā (ब्रह्मा) is not to be confused with Brahman…
Is Advaita Vedanta an Intellectual Exercise? – Part 32
It was explained in last conversation 31 that word “self”, when used in Vedanta, is unlike word “hot” or “cold”. Concept of “hot” is only true in relation to…
If Self Is Not an Object, How Can It Be Known Then? – Part 31
In last session 30, the student doubted Vedanta's means of knowledge to remove ignorance. Student claimed only experience can provide knowledge of self (Awareness). Basis of doubt was, “You…
Is Supreme Truth an Experience or Knowledge? – Part 30
In part 29 we addressed two concerns. Role of the guru. And if absolute Truth, as revealed in Upanishads, is just another point of view. Let's revise them before…
Purpose and Role of a Vedanta Teacher – Part 29
In part 28, we attempted to correct a deeply ingrained false notion. A silent killer. It's the cause of belittling thought as, “I am a victim. Powerless. Not in…
Is the Individual Helpless? Where Is Our Freewill? – Part 28
In previous part 27, it attempted to show that the world which you experience everyday, consists of an endless combination of forms and color, sounds, tastes, smells and feelings….
One Consciousness, Many Minds – Part 27
In previous part 26, a common assumption was corrected, “If one mind is liberated from the false notion of separateness, then all minds should also be liberated”. It was…
Individual Mind, Individual Ignorance – Part 26
In previous part 25, we highlighted an important word “mithya”. Without fully understanding it, we can never reconcile Oneness and world of multiplicity. World is mithyā, a dependent reality….
Can Maya Affect Consciousness? – Part 25
In previous part 24, student thought maya and consciousness are two different entities. Teacher explained there is no question of two-ness. Just like the skill of singing is never…
Connection Between Consciousness & Maya – Part 24
In previous part 23, we've seen that maya is dependent on the Limitless One (brahman) for it's existence. Māyā is the totality of all names-forms which enjoy their reality…
What is Ontological Status of Maya – Part 23
In previous part 22, we heard how maya's veiling and projecting power works. They work in tandem. Veiling power (āvaraṇa-śakti) causes partial knowledge. For example, if we see the…
Maya's Veiling and Projecting Power – Part 22
In previous part 21, we asked “What causes projection of ignorance?” The cause of ignorance is partial knowledge and the effect is partial ignorance or projection. Suppose I say…
What Causes Projection or Ignorance? – Part 21
In previous part 20, we demonstrated how superimposition produces a genuine response in the world. Despite the value-neutral status of rope, the victim jumps in fear, mistaking it as…
Reality of Maya's Superimposition – Part 20
In previous part 19, we've established that a superimposition is when name-form is projected onto an unchanging base. For example… Ring has a name called “r-i-n-g”. It also has…
How Maya Superimposes ‘On' Existence – Part 19
In previous part 18, we've seen that even after knowledge of oneness takes place, the world doesn't change it's dualistic nature. Only the person's relationship with the world changes….
Does World Disappear Upon Advaita Vision? – Part 18
In previous part 17, we saw that even though Limitless One is the cause of the universe, it is not involved in the creation, sustenance nor destruction of the…
Is Creation an Action Done by the Creator? – Part 17
In previous part 16, we saw that the all-pervading One (Isvara) is both creator and creation. Just like a spider which spins the web, drawing silk from within itself…
Creator and His Creation – Part 16
In previous part 15, we saw how different objects in the universe resolve into the One cause. Just how all furniture resolves into One wood. Meaning wood is the…
All is One? But I See Many. Cause and Effect – Part 15
In previous part 14, student attempted to reconcile statement “Ishvara is knowledge” and ignorance. How can the two co-exist! This was clarified by saying that “knowledge” refers to that…
What is Origin or Cause of Ignorance (Avidya)? – Part 14
Previous part 13, discerned difference between Consciousness (Brahman), and world of matter (jagat) which either has status of sentience (creatures) or insentience (rock). Follow conversation attempts to resolve where…
Difference Between Consciousness & Sentiency – Part 13
In previous part 12, we resolved contradiction how can relative-words reveal absolute-reality, when words themselves are limited. Now nature of question turns to resolving differences despite all being One……
How Can Mithya Texts Reveal Satyam Reality? – Part 12
From previous part 11, the student continued raising doubts about Vedas authority. For example, how are Veda texts superior to other sacred texts? Why should I believe Vedanta has…
How is Vedanta Superior to Other Philosophical Texts? – Part 11
In previous part 10, student began debating the teacher with some important questions whether we can ever capture the truth, considering it's beyond our mind/senses. Now student debates how…
If Truth is Beyond Mind – How to Discover It? – Part 10
Previous part 9 answered an important doubt, “What makes our Vedic scriptures so relevant and why should I trust them? Why not find out the truth for myself? Why…
Sacred Texts are Valid Means of Knowledge – Part 9
Previous part 8 answered “just how valid are ancient sacred texts in modern society” and how they can free us permanently. However some minds are intoxicated by intellectual superiority….
What is Limitlessness (ananda)? How am I THAT?
Neema Majmudar, a brilliant Vedanta exponent, elucidates how one's nature is Limitless right now. For context how how this applies to you, below gives further elucidation how one can…
How Valid are Vedas Scriptures In Modern World? – Part 8
Last part 7 introduced to purpose of the Vedic scriptures answering who is the “I” which everyone begins their conversations with. Now doubt arises in student's who begins to question…
What is Need for Sacred Holy Texts or the Scriptures? – Part 7
In previous part 6 conversation, teacher explained one of most integral teachings leading to vision of Oneness; how individual (microcosmic; vyaṣṭi) and TOTAL (macrocosmic; samaṣṭi) are are of the…
Equation Which Connects Individual ‘I' & Universal Consciousness (Brahman) – Part 6
In previous part 5 conversation, the teacher gave way for student to ask one of most important questions which bridges the apparent gap between self and God. Student asked,…
The Knower, a Self-Conscious Being – Part 5
Students were introduced orders of reality in Part 4 – which has now sparked doubts. So one of students asks… “Do you mean to say we have no independent…
Four Classes of People (Entangled & Liberated) – by Sri Ramakrishna
Purpose of this evergreen article by Sri Ramakrishna is to help us discover how to get out of our own created samsara. People may be divided into four classes:…