About the Vedic Tradition and Yes Vedanta
Vedanta is a tradition sourced in Vedas of India — revealing the depth of non-dual teachings within the three major texts: Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Brahma Sutras.
Yes Vedanta's purpose is to systematically unfold the methodology of these texts, so the student can actually arrive to the same understanding, vision or realization of the absolute reality as oneself — right here and now.
Yes Vedanta
Yes Vedanta teaches the wisdom of Advaita Vedanta with focus on personal transformation for the man or woman who is actively engaged in the world. One who faces common challenges. Who needs guidance on how to live this perennial knowledge in the complex modern age (whether in India or the Western cultures).
We are not an institution, nor a business.
No race, gender, religion or nationality is excluded. Only your regular attendance, hunger for knowledge and attention is required.

Cost? Most essential to life like sunlight, air, plants are all free. While man made non-essentials, cost. Ironic indeed! In the same way, eternal self-knowledge is essential, thus remains free. If insist, donations may go here. Otherwise main payment student can provide is your attention and willingness to learn from start to end of session.
Reason for the name? Word “Vedanta” refers to final knowledge of the Vedas whose subject matter is the absolute, non-negatable truth – which happens to be you. Hence Yes Vedanta reminds us to say “Yes” to that which matters most — your freedom.
Teaching Lineage of Yes Vedanta
Teaching style and language usage is based on Swami Dayananda (Arsha Vidya) and Swami Paramarthananda. There is also strong influence of Chinmaya International Foundation (Kerala) – specifically of Swami Advayananda.
About Andre Vas
“Picture yourself a young man with two aspirations: to remain optimistic despite challenges and disappointments life throw at you — and to achieve financial independence that lets you enjoy a decent sense of security. With unwavering determination you give your very best to building a successful wholesale-retail business. Your journey is filled with highs and lows — while never losing sight of the original vision. By age 30, you've done it, retired for life.
Despite all this, I couldn't shake off the silent feeling that the fulfilled-I was missing. The wanter-of-more never left. Lifeforce turned to finding the answer.
This led me to explore the world of personal development, where I learned valuable skills such as proper thinking, charity, taking responsibility for my experiences, reasoning, critical thinking, adopting a beginner's mind, and becoming a more discerning and self-reflective person. These tools helped prepare my mind for the next stage of life…
The real turning point was when I visited Arunachala to pay respects to Ramana Maharshi who I revered for a long time. It was there I stumbled upon a 25-day program expounding the essence of Bhagavad Gita's non-dual vision. It's detailed methodology left me shaken – realizing how little I knew. Bubble of pride burst.
So I dedicated a full year of uninterrupted self-inquiry guided by the teachings – despite having no proof they were superior from views such as Mahayana Buddhism, Zen, Neo-Vedanta. Bhagavad Gita's profound insights turned out to be the greatest blessing because it's both a dharma-shastra (how to live intelligently) and a moksha-shastra (means of permanent freedom).
I continued the Vedic studies for another 2 years with enriching courses from Chinmaya International Foundation in Kerala. Then continued studies with Neema Majmudar from Swami Dayananda Saraswati (Arsha Vidya) tradition.
In addition to teaching Vedic wisdom and Sanskrit (studied two years at Australian National University) — I have an insatiable appetite for metaphysics, biology and computers (esp. programming). Personal growth and self-knowledge are deeply fulfilling, and I'm eager to share these insights with you. ”
Feedback from Students
Petals of Insight, a poem…
Clarity is not a gift that's granted in an instant
It blooms slowly like a lotus, unfolding petal by petal.
Many seasons of spiritual work must come to pass
Before the fruit of insight ripens through effort steadfast.
Just as promotions come after years of dedication,
Wisdom too requires patience and contemplation.
There are no shortcuts on the path of truth,
It demands commitment through sorrow and joy both.
So too nature follows rhythms over many spinning years,
As each organism plays its part across the spheres.
A single season skipped can disrupt the entire chain,
Causing the whole ecosystem to spiral into pain.
An uncomfortable thought is similar, left to linger
It grows distorted deep within, a destructive Singer.
Projecting darkness across your personality,
And dimming the light of reality substantially.
One can pretend an image of perfect tranquility,
Yet inner turmoil simmers beneath the veneer of nobility.
The song of self-doubt trumpets on relentlessly,
Revealing the need for continued self-inquiry.
Studying scriptures facilitates this inner cleaning,
Slowly sweeping out distortions that keep deceiving.
Layer by layer transforming the patterns of mind,
As clarity and wisdom begin to shine.
An unfit mind often resists this difficult work,
Believing enlightenment instant like Buddha under a tree.
But his Grace came only after immense struggle and pain,
His sitting merely symbolic of spiritual gain.
Even after self-knowledge comes through the Guru's touch,
Old residues create dissatisfaction and such.
So the spiritual process is never fully complete,
New openings to work through until your final heartbeat.
The path of clarity requires lifelong sincerity,
But its fruits are the sweetest taste of verity.

A well known subhāṣita (wise aphorism):
काव्य-शास्त्र-विनोदेन कालः गच्छति धीमताम्, व्यसनेन च मूर्खाणाम् निद्रया कलहेन वा
kāvya-śāstra-vinodena kālaḥ gacchati dhīmatām, vyasanena ca mūrkhāṇām nidrayā kalahena vā
“The wise spend time in poetry and learning, while fools waste time in vices, sleeping or fighting.”