The Vedic Teachings of Truth

Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Veda are the everygreen teachings of Truth and yoga. The source of all wisdom. These articles cover aspects of their knowledge…
Is Enlightenment an Experience or Knowledge?

Is Enlightenment an Experience or Knowledge?

“Who am I?” Though we rarely, if ever, give it deep consideration – each situation, encounter, and experience calls upon us to articulate a satisfactory response to this fundamental…

Vedantic Analogies for Contemplation on the Non-Dual Reality

Vedantic Analogies for Contemplation on the Non-Dual Reality

Based on the chapter “Illustrations in Vedanta” from Swami Sivananda’s book, “Vedanta for Beginners” (The Divine Life Society, 1941) Because its abstract truths cannot be easily understood by the…

Self-Knowledge is Not Intellectual

Self-Knowledge is Not Intellectual

A common criticism leveled at Vedanta is that its appeal is purely intellectual; that it stresses analysis yet neglects experience, emphasizes ideas but ignores emotions, appeals to the head…

Selected Quotes by Ramana Maharshi & Nisargadatta

Selected Quotes by Ramana Maharshi & Nisargadatta

These are hand picked quotes I use for occasional self-inquiry into the true essence of reality. Quotes are meant for learned scholars and students of Advaita Vedanta who are…


What is Limitlessness (ananda)? How am I THAT?

Neema Majmudar, a brilliant Vedanta exponent, elucidates how one’s nature is Limitless right now. For context how how this applies to you, below gives further elucidation how one can…

How to Know Brahman?

Brahman is Beyond All Means-of-Knowledge, Or Is It?

Brahman (Consciousness) is beyond all means of knowledge. No scientific instrument can detect it. Because every instrument IS made out of Brahman — being the content of everything, including…

Dharma VS. Samsara

If You Enjoy What You Do, Life Is Very Simple

Living does not simply mean dragging oneself around from day to day, from bed to work, back home and to bed again. The whole process repeats itself until the…


That I attempt to be different, Is samsara.

“That I attempt to be different, is saṃsāra”. To see how this is true, let’s first ask… What is saṃsāra?… It is mistakenly seeing one’s own thoughts and emotions…

subjectivity objectivity in advaita vedanta

Objectivity vs Subjectivity

What is the difference between objectivity and subjectivity? A statement is said to be objective when it is based on facts and it can be proven via either direct perception…

subtle body, mind, intellect, antakarana

Inquiry Into Various Vedanta Definitions

THE MATERIAL UNIVERSE Something cannot come from nothing. This material universe evolved out of consciousness. Consciousness is both the substance of which the creation is made and the intelligence…


Brief Introduction to 3 Gunas

The creation comes into existence with the emergence of the 3 gunas or qualities — Sattva, Tamas and Rajas. Sattva is intelligence or knowledge. Tamas is matter, the substance of…

Living non-duality according to Vedanta

What’s It Like to Live the Vision of Non-Dual ONENESS?

When one realizes oneself to be unborn-ordinary-actionless-non-dual Awareness… and that Awareness (Ātman/Brahman) is everything that is… it does not mean that the world (jagat) suddenly goes “poof” into a…

Selfish life VS Life of Karma Yoga

Beauty and Logic of Living Life as Karma Yogi

“Now listen to the wisdom of yoga which will free you from bondage to action. In this yoga, no effort is wasted, nor are any unsuitable results produced. Even very little karma yoga protects one…

‘I’ – The Subtlest of the Subtlest

‘I’ – The Subtlest of the Subtlest

Bhagavad-Gītā says that we have five sense organs of knowledge (seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, tasting); these are very subtle. Example: Organ of seeing is a lot more subtle then…

Moving from Jiva-Srishti to Isvara-Srishti

Moving from Jiva-Srishti to Isvara-Srishti

Persons false notion about reality is called jiva srishti (Jīva-Sṛṣṭi). It is seeing what is NOT. It is subjective notions born of Ignorance. It is misapprehension/projection onto Ishvara (God)….

Purpose of Studying the Scriptures (Śruti)

Purpose of Studying the Scriptures (Śruti)

Śruti (Scriptures), the Vedas is the only means of knowledge to understand nondual Brahman – I am the limitless reality I seek. Above statement doesn’t exclude Scriptures from other…