“Discover True Freedom — Simple Wisdom from Ancient Seers to Navigate Life's Journey…”

Advaita Vedanta, non-dual wisdom, springs from the timeless Vedas gifted to humanity by ancient Indian seers. Within the lofty Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and Brahma Sutra texts — lies the pinnacle of metaphysical knowledge of the absolute Reality that answers existential questions like, “Who or what am I? What is my relationship to God? What is the highest purpose of being alive? How do I discover freedom from death?”.

The aim of the teaching is to impart the step-by-step methodology to one who has a burning desire for liberation, or more commonly called enlightenment (moksha). 

Therefore this spiritual knowledge (also called self-knowledge, jnana-yoga, brahma-vidya, uttara mimamsa or atma-jnana)  methodically helps you gain direct experience and understanding of the fundamental reality — that which is the truth of time and space and is eternal.

It's exactly the means which the masters of the thousands years old tradition have used to recognize, “I and God are not two different entities. And all that is here is One”. This is a fact to be discovered through a methodology — which is what this website commits to.

Advaita Vedanta Melbourne Australia, Non-dualism, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Spiritual teacher
एकम् एव अद्वितीयम् — ekam eva advitīyam
“There is only One, without a second.” 
Chandogya Upanishad 6.2.1


Traditional Advaita Vedanta

We teach traditional Advaita Vedanta, or original Vedanta as elucidated in the Vedic scriptures. It's not watered down version as commonly seen in modern Vedanta where sole focus is Awareness or Self.

Traditional Vedanta is complete system that also addresses the gamut of human experience — including the psychology of the individual, such as unresolved emotions, deep rooted unconscious pain, poor concentration. It shows us how to make intelligent choices amidst complex and nuanced situations. Ethics (dharma). Devotion (bhakti).

In other words, it also cleans up your mind and aligns your thoughts with harmonious living. Once the mind is relatively mature and peaceful — it's ready to assimilate and hold the vision of Oneness, without regressing to it's old ways.

Vedanta is Logically Irrefutable

Religion promises “heaven in the future”. This is something I can't prove nor disprove. It's subject to speculation, hope and doubt. Whereas Vedanta's sole focus is on something eternal which I can experientially prove here and now. It's above human speculation, dogma and belief.

For this reason, Vedantic knowledge cannot be contradicted from any standpoint — be it from a modern scientist, quantum physicist, biologist, cosmologist or psychologist.

Kundalini or Spiritual Awakening Won't Free You

According to Vedas, enlightenment is a fact and the highest accomplishment of human birth. But it's not about attaining higher states of “cosmic consciousness”. Nor anything to do with a spontaneous Kundalini awakening (energy release, spiritual experience, sudden inner transformation). Neither is it “soul healing”, joining God in heaven, seeing special visions, or hearing divine sounds.

These experiences arise within time. Meaning it was not here yesterday, something happened – therefore it's here now, or perhaps it'll come tomorrow. Meaning time is still bigger then the entity who had a “spiritual awakening”. This is the case with all dualistic paths (Dvaita) involving a subject and object. Or “I” and “that”. They operate within time. The so-called “awakened individual” is still ruled by time's creation and destruction cycles.

Whereas the limitless reality, the real “I”, is eternal. Time depends on it. It is timeless. Meaning it's never not true. And what keeps one from recognizing it as one's very self — is ignorance. Vedanta's job with help of a teacher is to remove this ignorance denying you self-realization as the cause of the universe, rather than an effect — a little dot in the vast cosmos, bound by time, occupying a small space.

The Solution

In conclusion, Vedanta is not about becoming, but being what you're never not. It is recognizing your true nature as the eternal, limitless “I” (Brahman) — which is never subject to birth or death.

When the seeker approaches these universal teachings with trust and a beginner's mind, the vision becomes crystal clear. Finally freed from all limitations — one comes to see the entire universe is nothing but myself. This is moksha – liberation.

Keen to begin?…

Feedback from Students

Who am I? What am I not?

How is the universe created?

What came first?

If reality is without a second (non-dual) — why do I experience many (duality)?

What is the highest purpose of human birth?

How to know which decision is most appropriate?

What is the absolute, universal meaning of “Truth”?

What is the relationship between myself, the world and God?

And most importantly — through what method do we unmistakably discern truth from falsehood?

Such questions have already been thoroughly resolved throughout Vedantic texts like Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Brahma Sutras. They form the foundation of Hindu/Indian/Vedic philosophy and the non-dual teachings of Advaita Vedanta which this website is dedicated for.

As a result of their irrefutable logic (which you can learn in the course) — the answers to the above questions can't be negated from any point of view at any time, because they don't contradict your own experience. However deeply understanding them — is spiritual enlightenment or self-realization. Merely knowing about them, yields no benefits.

However most remain oblivious to such answers because one needs a subtle and relatively clean mind. A mind nursing past resentment, conspiracies and hatred — isn't the most fertile soil for planting seeds of spiritual knowledge meant for your inner awakening and spiritual empowerment.

Just like one is unable to clearly make out whether it's a rope or a snake due to insufficient light. The light is synonymous with a clean mind. An impure, agitated, frustrated mind will only see a snake — even if the knowledge (rope) is given it.

So how can Vedanta help?

Vedanta empowers you to be your own spiritual life-coach by offering spiritual guidance that fosters self-inquiry, spiritual transformation, and holistic living, rather than forming dependence on the teacher. It does not ask you to adhere to a set of beliefs that can't be proven right now and here, nor is it a mystical lineage, philosophical discussion, or a religion.

Vedanta is an observation of WHAT-IS. It simply points out what's always true, but missed out due to lack of inquiry or ignorance. 

Isaac-Newton-gravity-discoverJust like Newton didn't create “gravity”. He only discovered what-is on the basis of observation and contemplation.

Therefore gravity can't be considered a religion or a philosophy. It is not owned by any author. It is a  fact. 

Gravity's existence remains independent and true – whether we think of it or not.

In the same way, Vedanta directly points out the one unchanging Truth of everything.

Consequently, Advaita Vedanta reveals the reality of self, of “I AM”, through the ancient spiritual non-dual philosophy found in the Upanishads and Vedas.

And the method by which this realization is attained is through a special kind of knowledge called self-knowledge (brahmavidya / jnana-yoga). Its purpose is to free oneself from a sense of limitation and false assumptions.

Self-knowledge is free of personal biases owing to the vast literature covering every possible angle of Reality as expounded meticulously in texts like the Bhagavad Gita and other Advaita Vedanta teachings.

However even unbiased knowledge is subject to contamination & partiality…

For example, some spiritual teachers or gurus will handpick parts they feel comfortable with and discard the rest.

Or avoid using standardized Vedantic vocabulary (such as Brahman, Ishvara, jagat). Instead replacing it with new age terms like “cosmic consciousness, divine connection, spiritual or soul healing, spiritual awakening, kundalini awakening” and what have you. This is equivalent of a physicist deviating from the standardized vocabulary compiled by hundreds of brilliant minds before him. It's not doing the student a favor long term when he or she is exposed to other teachers. 

Head & Heart in disagreement from partial spiritual teachings.

Additionally, partial teachings, such as Neo-Advaita or Neo-Vedanta, don't address your emotions and bypass psychology. They explain away the world of form as mere “illusion”. We call them pseudo spirituality or new-age spirituality.

Their teachings are like learning arithmetic without addition, leading to a limited understanding and a false sense of “figuring it out.”

Just as a doctor cannot cure a patient with incomplete medical knowledge, shortcuts in spiritual teachings result in temporary relief but the ignorance, along with suffering, inevitably resurfaces

It further results in spiritual bypassing. One potentially ends up discounting world duties, dharma, spouse, family, work — while proudly trumpeting “I'm awakened”.

Is this what a rational, intelligent seeker wants? Self-denial and escapism are qualities of children — not adults.

Complete transformation requires a detailed investigation into one's thoughts, discounting nothing. This can be achieved through Vedantic spiritual workshops or retreats with a qualified teacher/mentor. Further strengthened through meditation techniques and mindfulness practices.

Without follow up to spiritual knowledge – life circumstances quickly overshadow our realizations. The progress seems to fade into the background.

In conclusion…

Advaita Vedanta knowledge gives you an opportunity for spiritual empowerment and transformation through timeless wisdom of Hindu/Indian/Vedic philosophy and the non-duality teachings.

It's tradition provides you spiritual guidance through a supportive community and the study of scriptures with a guru (who initially serves as a spiritual life coach), enabling one to navigate challenging life situations from a place of well-ascertained knowledge rather than unresolved psychological pressures, thus facilitating spiritual healing, inner awakening, and a transformative spiritual alchemy.

Main Texts:

Vedanta comprises of three primary texts, known as the triple canon (prasthanatrayi). They form the foundation of non-duality:

Upanishads (śruti; heard)

The ten principal are:

There are also around a hundred minor Upanishads like Amṛitabindu, Kaivalya, Śvetāśvatara, and others.

Bhagavad Gita (smṛti; remembered)

Bhagavad Gita is the essence of the Upanishads that teaches how to realize the highest – while living in the world. It consists of 700 verses across 18 chapters and is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata.

If the Upaniṣads (highest truths) be represented by cows, then Gītā would be the milk of the cows (essence of the truths) extracted by Kṛṣṇa (supreme inner Self; Atman) for the benefit of Arjuna (individual ignorant self believing is apart from the Whole) — who is unsure of the correct path in midst of Kurukṣetra (field of life).

Brahma Sutras (nyāya; logic)

Brahma Sutras (Vedanta Sutras) is the philosophical treatise of Vedanta that systematically lays out the philosophy of the Upanishads. It consists of 555 aphorisms across 4 chapters. It should be studied along with the commentary of Shankaracharya for a deep and comprehensive understanding of Advaita Vedanta (nondualism).

Supporting Commentaries:

There are many commentaries (prakarana grantha) written by some of the greatest Vedanta philosophers, like Adi Shankara and Swami Vidyaranya. Both contributed to clarifying many verses and principles from Main Texts above. They include:

Complimentary Material:

Few more Vedantic classics:

The difference between Hindu/Indian philosophy and Advaita Vedanta can be discerned through several key points:

  • Scope of Hindu/Indian Philosophy:
    • Hindu or Indian philosophy encompasses a broad range of philosophies, thoughts, and teachings that have emerged in the Indian subcontinent over thousands of years. These include six classical schools of thought (ṣaḍdarśana) – Sāṅkhya, Yoga, Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, Mīmāṃsā, and Vedanta, as well as other non-Vedic traditions like Buddhism and Jainism.
  • Nature of Advaita Vedanta:
    • Advaita Vedanta is a specific interpretation within the Vedanta school that posits non-duality (advaita) as the ultimate reality. It is centered on the principle that the self (atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman) are one and the same, without any second entity
  • Philosophical Differences:
    • Hindu/Indian philosophy, given its vastness, includes both dualistic (dvaita) and non-dualistic (advaita) viewpoints. Dualistic schools argue for a fundamental distinction between the individual soul and the ultimate reality or God.
    • Advaita Vedanta, on the other hand, strictly maintains that there is no separation between the individual and the ultimate reality – that they are essentially one. It asserts that the perception of duality is due to ignorance (avidya) and the true nature of reality is non-dual.
  • Approach to Knowledge and Reality:
    • Hindu/Indian philosophy offers various paths and practices, some of which may promise experiences or spiritual achievements based on actions or rituals.
    • Advaita Vedanta emphasizes knowledge (jnana) as the means to realize non-duality. It does not promise salvation or experiences but asserts the already existing freedom from limitation of the self. The realization of non-duality is through understanding and assimilating the mahavakya “tat tvam asi” (You are That).
  • Methodology:
    • The methodologies in Hindu/Indian philosophy can vary widely across different schools and traditions, each with its own set of practices, rituals, and philosophical arguments.
    • Advaita Vedanta employs a unique method of teaching that involves unfolding the vision of non-duality through śruti (scriptural texts), yukti (reasoning), and anubhava (experience) to lead to the recognition of the self as whole and non-dual.

In summary, while Hindu/Indian philosophy includes a wide array of teachings and practices that cover the spectrum from dualism to non-dualism, Advaita Vedanta specifically refers to the non-dualistic teaching within Vedanta that emphasizes the oneness of the individual self with the ultimate reality, with the knowledge of this oneness as the means to liberation.

Yes. Several options are available for you right now. Can email me. Meet me physically (Blackburn, Melbourne). Or attend live classes.


Om Tat Sat
– Bhagavad Gita 17.23