Questions & Answers On Advaita Vedanta & Upanishads

Explanations on various technical aspects within Vedic texts, like Brahma Sutras, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita…
ISKCON vs Advaita Vedanta: A Comprehensive Comparison

ISKCON vs Advaita Vedanta: A Comprehensive Comparison

Vedanta, one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, has given rise to various influential sub-schools, each offering unique perspectives on the nature of reality, the self, and…

Self-enquiry questions

What is the Purpose of Studying Scriptures?

INQUIRER: What is the purpose of studying scriptures? Ultimately, what changes or benefits should I expect in my life from this study? I am unsure and would like to…

Nirvikalpa, Savikalpa and Sahaja Samadhi. What’s the Difference?

Nirvikalpa, Savikalpa and Sahaja Samadhi. What’s the Difference?

Some books say nirvikalpa-samadhi is the best fame of mind to assimilate Self-Knowledge. Others argue it’s savikalpa-samadhi. While Ramana Maharshi says it’s sahaja-samadhi. Clarify please. Nirvikalpa-Samadhi Firstly, nirvikalpa-samadhi has…

If Brahman is Everything, Why Worship and Devote to Whom?

Nearly all objections challenging non-duality and confusions by Advaita aspirants can be surmised from lack of discernment of 3 realities operating any moment… PRATIBHASIKA: Your own notions. Personal, subjective…


Does Ishvara Knows It’s Truth is Brahman?

Is Ishvara aware that it is Brahman (Consciousness)? I know Ishvara is: The dharma field (manifest universe) and came into being by the power of Maya within Brahman. Not…

Difference between Advaita & Vishishtadvaita?

Difference between Advaita & Vishishtadvaita?

Vedanta, one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, has given rise to several influential sub-schools, each offering unique perspectives on the nature of reality, the self, and…


Difference Between Brahmā (Creator) and Brahman

A short article in response to a common question: What is the connection with Brahman and Brahmā (also called Brahmaji)? Brahmā (ब्रह्मा) is not to be confused with Brahman…


Is there ‘Creation’?

Nothing can ever be created. Matter cannot be created. To say “something is created” is to imply it’s not already within Creation. Which sets up an unsolvable equation; duality…

samsara wheel of life - advaita vedanta

What is samsara?

Samsara is limitation one experiences and caused by not knowing difference between REAL (Self; atman) and UNREAL (Not-Self; anatman). A samsari seeks freedom in the world through acquisition (beauty,…

Namaste meaning definition

What is the Meaning of Namaste?

In India, many greet each other with the word “Namaste” – this is joined usually by a slight bow and palms touching in front, sort of like a prayer…

Dakṣiṇāmūrti Vedanta

What is Advaita Vedanta About?

“The fire of certainty which is the result of knowing Onself as immaculate Awareness, burns down the entire forest of ignorance. The eradication of ignorance and the dawning of happiness are…

purpose of scriptures

What are the Vedas?

Vedas are divided into 4 sections: (1) Rig Veda, (2) Yajur Veda, (3) Sāma Veda, (4) Atharva Veda. Each each section is further divided into 2 parts. Part 1 called…

How is Advaita Vedanta Different?

Firstly, what we mean by “system” is what’s called Pramāṇa – or “means of Knowledge”. In Advaita Vedanta case, it’s a means of Self-Knowledge. Means of knowledge means an instrument,…

Does a Liberated Person Also Experience Happiness from Objects?

Object-happiness (viṣaya-ānanda) is a name given to a phenomenon that naturally occurs in the subtle body. Brahman is of the nature of sat-cid-ānanda (Existence-Awareness-Bliss). Although Brahman pervades the entire…

How To Apply Knowledge of Vedanta in Daily Life (nididyasanam)

How To Apply Knowledge of Vedanta in Daily Life (nididyasanam)

QUESTION: How should nididhyasanam (contemplation) be practiced? ANSWER: The biggest obstacle to ‘aham Brahmāsmi’ (I am Brahman) knowledge is the basic ignorance of the jiva (individual soul) identifying himself…