Moving from Jiva-Srishti to Isvara-Srishti
Persons false notion about reality is called jiva srishti (Jīva-Sṛṣṭi). It is seeing what is NOT.
It is subjective notions born of Ignorance.
It is misapprehension/projection onto Ishvara (God).
It is cause of adharmic (inappropriate, unfair, hurtful) actions and himsā (entertaining thoughts of injury towards one own self or another being).
It is also cause for years spent pursuing a Spiritual path which bears no substantial phala (fruit), while providing false sense of progress isolated to Artha, Kāma, Dharma.
Example: mokṣa as eternal-bliss. While Jīva B seeks moksha as all-knowing.
A seesBoth Jīva's are right – because both have come to an honest conclusion.
Yet both are unaware of their Ignorance (avidya) (meaning non-apprehension of what-is due to āvarana-śakti/veiling-power).
This results in misapprehension (mistaking what-is due to vikśepa-śakti/projecting-power) the Absolute Reality (Brahman).
It is difficult to point out that jiva srishti conclusion is incorrect to a saṃsāri. Because neither see their conclusion as erroneous.
Just like it's impossible to argue teenager's fantasy notions what a relationship is like. It's only when one actually meets their first boy/girlfriend – does it become self-evident that held notions weren't entirely true.
Furthermore, when confronted with challenging times, one's OWN experience forces a different point of view, which causes person to seek help in new ways.
Challenges provoke creativity.
Creativity invokes different questions. Which leads to depth of character.
Similarly Arjuna asked Krishna for help on Kurukshetra (represents field of action), only when his Karma forced him into a situation, to see life AS IT IS.
This is beginning of “Jīva-Sṛṣṭi” dissolution. Which leads us to…
A wise person (jñāni/jīvanmukta) is one who has CORRECTED false notions about reality (what-is) via extensive contemplation upon jñāna-kanda (brahmavidyā) section of Vedas.
Wise person persists until understanding of Reality is EXACTLY aligned and consistent with Upaniṣadic statements.
This results in seeing WHAT-IS (ishvara srishti).
It is illumining things (experiences perceived outwards or inward as thoughts, memories, emotions) in their Original form – endlessly created, sustained and destroyed by Īśvara.
And most importantly, WITHOUT need to generate an opinion, judgement or label about anything… even though one still can depending on context of situation.
Witnessing IS-ness (ishvara srishti) of now.