CH21. Memorizing verses. Paradigm for words ending in -as.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part Two
Practice Sentences:
Only look at Sanskrit after attempted your own translation.
Having asked for patience (kṣāntiḥ (f)) from the teacher… in time, the student become an excellent-artist (uttama-citrakāraḥ), thus he experienced (bhunakti) much-joy. | adyāpakāt kṣāntaye pṛṣṭvā… kale… cātraḥ uttama-citrakāraḥ abhavat… bahu-ānandam ca sa bhunakti अद्यापकात् क्षान्तये पृष्ट्वा… कले… चात्रः उत्तम-चित्रकारः अभवत्… बहु-आनन्दम् च स भुनक्ति |
Having returned (pratigatya) from the dirty river (malāt nadyai), the boy washes (kṣālayati) himself by himself. | malāt nadyai pratigatya, bālaḥ ātmanā ātmānam kṣālyati मलात् नद्यै प्रतिगत्य, बालः आत्मना आत्मानम् क्षाल्यति |
Having dispelled (apanīya) (impulses of the mind; citta-vṛttiḥ / citta-vṛttīḥ) and worthless-doubts (anartha-saṃśayān), the devotee released oneself from beginningless-imperfection (anādi-asiddhim). | citta-vṛttīḥ anartha-saṃśayān apanīya…. bhaktaḥ anādyasiddhim ātmānam muñcati/sṛjyati चित्त-वृत्तीः अनर्थ-संशयान् अपनीय…. भक्तः अनाद्यसिद्धिम् आत्मानम् मुञ्चति/सृज्यति |
Having drunk juice from the cup, the guest (felt affection; sniḥyati) for his friend. | caṣakāt somam pītvā, atithiḥ tasya mitrāya asniḥya चषकात् सोमम् पीत्वा, अतिथिः तस्य मित्राय अस्निःय |
The fork, spoon and knife (were stolen)imperfect-passive (by sir; bhavatā / bhavatyā : STEM: bhavat, LRB22) NAME. | kaṇṭakam, darvīm, chūrikām ca (bhavatā/bhavatyā NAME) acoryanta कण्टकम्, दर्वीम्, छूरिकाम् च (भवता/भवत्या NAME) अचोर्यन्त |
The fork, spoon and knife (were returned)imperfect-passive (by sir; bhavatā / bhavatyā : STEM: bhavat, LRB22) NAME. | kaṇṭakam, darvīm, chūrikām ca (bhavatā/bhavatyā NAME) pratyagamyanta (prati + agamyanta) कण्टकम्, दर्वीम्, छूरिकाम् च (भवता/भवत्या NAME) प्रत्यगम्यन्त |
Bird! You must not break (khaṇḍayati, √khaṇḍ 10U) that cupboard, because it has glasses. | khaga! tām kapāṭikām mā khaṇḍaya… hi tasyāḥ caṣakāḥ santi खग! ताम् कपाटिकाम् मा खण्डय… हि तस्याः चषकाः सन्ति |
5 Methods(pāṭha) of Memorizing Verses:
- Saṃhitā-pāṭha संहिता–पाठ: Collected reading.
- Recitation as originally seen with sandhi.
दूरेण ह्यवरं कर्म बुद्धियोगाद्धनञ्जय ।
बुद्धौ शरणमन्विच्छ कृपणाः फलहेतवः ॥ २–४९॥
dūreṇa hyavaraṃ karma buddhiyogāddhanañjaya |
buddhau śaraṇamanviccha kṛpaṇāḥ phalahetavaḥ || 2-49||
- Pada-pāṭha पद–पाठ: Word reading.
- Sandhi stripped.
- Compound broken down into parts (avagraḥ). EG: dhanañjaya > dhanam-jaya
दूरेण हि अवरम् कर्म बुद्धि–योगात् धनम्–जय ।
बुद्धौ शरणम् अन्विच्छ कृपणाः फल–हेतवः ॥ २–४९॥
dūreṇa hi avaram karma buddhi-yogāt dhanam-jaya |
buddhau śaraṇam anviccha kṛpaṇāḥ phala-hetavaḥ || 2-49||
- Krama-pāṭha क्रम–पाठ: Step reading.
- Each word recited 2x and in steps.
- Rhythm (apply for each line):
- (1, 2) (2, 3) (3, 4) (4, 5)
दूरेण ह्यवरं कर्म बुद्धियोगाद्–धनञ्जय ।
बुद्धौ शरणम् अन्विच्छ कृपणाः फलहेतवः ॥ २–४९॥
dūreṇa hyavaraṃ karma buddhiyogād-dhanañjaya |
buddhau śaraṇam anviccha kṛpaṇāḥ phalahetavaḥ || 2-49||
- Jaṭā-pāṭha जटा–पाठ: Twisted reading.
- Forwards-backwards.
- Rhythm:
- (1, 2) (2, 1) (1, 2, 3)
(2, 3) (3, 2) (2, 3, 4)
(3, 4) (4, 3) (3, 4, 5)
- (1, 2) (2, 1) (1, 2, 3)
दूरेण ह्यवरं कर्म बुद्धियोगाद्–धनञ्जय ।
बुद्धौ शरणम् अन्विच्छ कृपणाः फलहेतवः ॥ २–४९॥
dūreṇa hyavaraṃ karma buddhiyogād-dhanañjaya |
buddhau śaraṇam anviccha kṛpaṇāḥ phalahetavaḥ || 2-49||
- Ghana-pāṭha घन–पाठ: “Killer” reading.
- Forwards-backwards with more variations.
- Rhythm:
- (1, 2) (2, 1) (1, 2, 3)
(1, 2, 3) (3, 2, 1) (1, 2, 3, 4)
(2, 3, 4) (4, 3, 2) (2, 3, 4, 5)
- (1, 2) (2, 1) (1, 2, 3)
दूरेण ह्यवरं कर्म बुद्धियोगाद्–धनञ्जय ।
बुद्धौ शरणम् अन्विच्छ कृपणाः फलहेतवः ॥ २–४९॥
dūreṇa hyavaraṃ karma buddhiyogād-dhanañjaya |
buddhau śaraṇam anviccha kṛpaṇāḥ phalahetavaḥ || 2-49||
- Practice Paradigms on: Liberation Philology Sanskrit App
- Write out paradigm LRB24/25.
- Find a verse, and apply 5 memorization methods.
- Vocab learn on PG 55.
- Create a store, less then half a page. Use words on PG 55, spoken Sanskrit, all vocab. Use all tenses learned so far (Present, imperfect, imperative, gerund, passive, future).
- See you next on 9th Jan 2022.
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 19 Dec, 2021
he is (rishi angiras) certainly one of saptrishis .(Kindly translate )
sah hi/eva —(one of)—- saptrishinam( genative plural)
Method 1:
Simplest: anyatama (adj): any, one of many
(One of many) saptarishies: anyatamāḥ saptaṛṣayaḥ (both are in plural).
Method 2: Just like in Eng.
One (of saptrish) > saptaṛṣayaḥ ekaḥ (yes can also use saptaṛṣīnām).