Lesson 56: Sanskrit for Beginners Course – Exercises
No theory. Translation practice.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part Two
Practice Sentences:
Only look at Sanskrit after attempted your own translation.
Equanimity of the mind is pushed (by distraction; kṣobhena) from small things. | manasaḥ samatvam alpāt viśayāt kṣobhena tyajyate मनसः समत्वम् अल्पात् विशयात् क्षोभेन त्यज्यते |
When truth is gone from our hearts, then we are pushed around (paritaḥ ind.) | yadā satyam asmākam hṛdayāni gamyate, tadā vayam tudyante paritaḥ यदा सत्यम् अस्माकम् हृदयानि गम्यते, तदा वयम् तुद्यन्ते परितः |
Since food is eaten by the children, (for that reason) my servant (mama niyojyam) must quickly go to the shop (āpanam mas), and purchase sweet cakes. | yathā bhojanam prajābhiḥ khādyate, tathā mama niyojyam āpanam gacchatu, miṣṭam modakam ca krīṇāti यथा भोजनम् प्रजाभिः खाद्यते, तथा मम नियोज्यम् आपनम् गच्छतु, मिष्टम् मोदकम् च क्रीणाति |
My house is made from forest-sandalwood (candana n.), and is protected by Lord Krishna. | mama gṛham vana-candanāt kriyate, śrī-kṛṣnena ca gupyate मम गृहम् वन-चन्दनात् क्रियते, श्री-कृष्नेन च गुप्यते |
Sweet words are spoken by the sage, and delicious food is served by the devotees. | miṣṭāḥ śabdāḥ muninā bhāṣyante, svādiṣṭham bhojanam ca bhaktaiḥ sevyate मिष्टाः शब्दाः मुनिना भाष्यन्ते, स्वादिष्ठम् भोजनम् च भक्तैः सेव्यते |
I am (filled with happiness) when complete-knowledge of self is known. | yadā ātmanā saṃskṛtavidyā budhyate, tada aham sukhavān asti यदा आत्मना संस्कृतविद्या बुध्यते, तद अहम् सुखवान् अस्ति |
You must study the scriptures, because (yataḥ) they remove (naśyati) ignorance, and thus (evam ca) perfection, peace and God's glory is enjoyed. | śāstrāḥ paṭha, yataḥ te avidyām naśyanti, evam ca (siddhim, śāntim, īśvarasya-kīrtim ca) ramyante शास्त्राः पठ, यतः ते अविद्याम् नश्यन्ति, एवम् च (सिद्धिम्, शान्तिम्, ईश्वरस्य-कीर्तिम् च) रम्यन्ते |
Quickly, you go to the kitchen (pākaśālām f.) and you bring the broom (sammārjanīm f.)! I have a monkey on the head (śīrṣam n.). | śīghra! pākaśālām gaccha sammārjanīm ca ānaya, iti mama vānaraḥ śīrṣe asti शीघ्र! पाकशालाम् गच्छ सम्मार्जनीम् च आनय, इति मम वानरः शीर्षे अस्ति |
Having seen the (clean room; tumram prakoṣṭham)… please, you (must give; yaccha) a (bigger room) without noise (nādena vinā) for me. | śuddham prakoṣṭham dṛṣṭvā, mahyam (tumram prakoṣṭham) (nādena vinā) yaccha kṛpayā! शुद्धम् प्रकोष्ठम् दृष्ट्वा, मह्यम् (तुम्रम् प्रकोष्ठम्) (नादेन विना) यच्छ कृपया! |
- PG 41, #6 a-h.
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Recorded 12 Dec, 2021