How Can Mithya Texts Reveal Satyam Reality? – Part 12
From previous part 11, the student continued raising doubts about Vedas authority. For example, how are Veda texts superior to other sacred texts? Why should I believe Vedanta has…

How Valid are Vedas Scriptures In Modern World? – Part 8
Last part 7 introduced to purpose of the Vedic scriptures answering who is the “I” which everyone begins their conversations with. Now doubt arises in student’s who begins to question…

Brahman is Beyond All Means-of-Knowledge, Or Is It?
Brahman (Consciousness) is beyond all means of knowledge. No scientific instrument can detect it. Because every instrument IS made out of Brahman — being the content of everything, including…

What are the Vedas?
Vedas are divided into 4 sections: (1) Rig Veda, (2) Yajur Veda, (3) Sāma Veda, (4) Atharva Veda. Each each section is further divided into 2 parts. Part 1 called…