Lesson 60: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Practice Sentences
Practice of present indicative & passive verbs.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part Two
Practice Sentences:
He makes a house from earth. | bhūmyai gṛham karoti भूम्यै गृहम् करोति |
He made houses from trees. | gṛhāni vṛkṣān akarot गृहानि वृक्षान् अकरोत् |
She spreads the cake. | sā modakam tanoti सा मोदकम् तनोति |
She spreads the cake over the plate. | sā modakam patrakasya upari tanoti सा मोदकम् पत्रकस्य उपरि तनोति |
She spreads the cake over the plate, on the table, in her kitchen. | sā utpīṭhikāyām (tasyāḥ pākaśālāyām) patrakasya upari modakam tanoti सा उत्पीठिकायाम् (तस्याः पाकशालायाम्) पत्रकस्य उपरि मोदकम् तनोति |
He spreads his knowledge (in front of) the subjects. | tasya vidyā (prajāyāḥ pūrvataḥ) tanoti तस्य विद्या (प्रजायाः पूर्वतः) तनोति |
The children spread their joy inside and outside. | tāsām ānandāni prajāḥ tanvanti antare bahiḥ ca तासाम् आनन्दानि प्रजाः तन्वन्ति अन्तरे बहिः च |
Two friends play in the distance. | mitre dure dīvyataḥ मित्रे दुरे दीव्यतः |
I love the truth, purity and morality. | satyasattvadharmān snihyāmi सत्यसत्त्वधर्मान् स्निह्यामि |
“What qualities do you have?”, the bed asked the chair. | tava guṇāḥ bhavati kim iti mañcaḥ āsandam apṛcchat तव गुणाः भवति किम् इति मञ्चः आसन्दम् अपृच्छत् |
- Reminder: Passive ALWAYS ends in Ātmanepada. Do NOT use Parasmaipada endings.
- Passive Formula: √root + -ya + Ā
Security is made from a balanced mind. | kṣemaḥ samatvāt manasaḥ kriyate क्षेमः समत्वात् मनसः क्रियते |
Kingdom was stolen by the enemies inside the forests. | rājyam śatruṇa vanānām antare acorayata राज्यम् शत्रुण वनानाम् अन्तरे अचोरयत |
That room is known to be possessed by cows. | sa prakoṣṭhaḥ dhenumataḥ budhyate स प्रकोष्ठः धेनुमतः बुध्यते |
Those austerities are seen everyday from a distance by the villagers. | te tapāṃsi grāmayān dūre pratidinam dṛsyante ते तपांसि ग्रामयान् दूरे प्रतिदिनम् दृस्यन्ते |
Since moon is seen in night, the sun is seen in day. | yataḥ candraḥ rātrau dṛṣyate, tataḥ sūryaḥ dine dṛṣyate यतः चन्द्रः रात्रौ दृष्यते, ततः सूर्यः दिने दृष्यते |
Sanskrit is learned by practice. | saṃskṛtam abhyāsena paṭhyate संस्कृतम् अभ्यासेन पठ्यते |
Pond was drunk by (the one whose elephant is great). | vāpī mahāgajena apīyata वापी महागजेन अपीयत |
Soldier is protected by the army. | sainikaḥ senayā gupyate सैनिकः सेनया गुप्यते |
Doctor is remembered for his skillfullness. | vaidyaḥ tasya pāṇḍityam smaryate वैद्यः तस्य पाण्डित्यम् स्मर्यते |
Mother is remembered for her compassion. | mātā tasyāḥ kṛpām smaryate माता तस्याः कृपाम् स्मर्यते |
Kṛṣṇa is remembered for his splendour. | kṛṣṇaḥ tasya tejaḥ smaryate कृष्णः तस्य तेजः स्मर्यते |
Bhagavān is obtained by devotion. | bhagavān bhaktyā labhyate भगवान् भक्त्या लभ्यते |
Bhagavān is also obtained by knowledge. | bhagavān vidyayā api labhyate भगवान् विद्यया अपि लभ्यते |
Actually/truly (iva), Bhagavān is obtained by mixture (of bhakti and knowledge). | bhagavān iva bhaktividyayoḥ miśrena labhyate भगवान् इव भक्तिविद्ययोः मिश्रेन लभ्यते |
Fullness is enjoyed by the devotee whose mind is on truth. (first rearrange): By which devotee mind is on the truth, by him fullness is enjoyed. |
yena bhaktena manaḥ satye asti tena pūrṇatvam ramyate येन भक्तेन मनः सत्ये अस्ति तेन पूर्णत्वम् रम्यते |
- Cover any half of the table above, then translate. Only then check the answer. Do for 10 sentences above.
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Recorded 23 Jan, 2022