Lesson 61: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Practice Sentences


Practice of simple future, imperative, and passive.

Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part Two

Practice Sentences:

“When will you learn dharma and turth?”, asked king’s guru. kadā dharamsatye paṭhiṣyasi iti rājñaḥ guruḥ apṛcchat
कदा धरम्सत्ये पठिष्यसि इति राज्ञः गुरुः अपृच्छत्
If person is (full of love), (so too) also will his friends be. yadi manuṣyaḥ snehavān bhavati, tathā api tasya mitrāni bhaviṣyati
यदि मनुष्यः स्नेहवान् भवति, तथा अपि तस्य मित्रानि भविष्यति
Purusha will know oneself. puruṣaḥ ātmānam bodhiṣyati
पुरुषः आत्मानम् बोधिष्यति
Purusha will know oneself by oneself. puruṣaḥ ātmānam ātmanā bodhiṣyati
पुरुषः आत्मानम् आत्मना बोधिष्यति
Purusha will know oneself by oneself, when remembers the truth of oneself. yadā puruṣaḥ (ātmanaḥ satyam) smarati, tadā sa ātmanā ātmānam bodhiṣyati
यदा पुरुषः (आत्मनः सत्यम्) स्मरति, तदा स आत्मना आत्मानम् बोधिष्यति
She will bring her children. sā tasyāḥ prajāḥ āneṣyati
सा तस्याः प्रजाः आनेष्यति
She will bring her children from the school, in the afternoon. sā tasyāḥ prajāḥ vidyālyāt āneṣyati aparāhṇe
सा तस्याः प्रजाः विद्याल्यात् आनेष्यति अपराह्णे
He will bring his children from the school, in the evening. sa tasya prajāḥ vidyālayāt āneṣyati sāyaṃkāle
स तस्य प्रजाः विद्यालयात् आनेष्यति सायंकाले
You will live again on earth, if you don’t obtain bhagavān in this life. yadā bhagavantam etasmin janme na labhase, tadā bhūmyām punaḥ vatsyasi
यदा भगवन्तम् एतस्मिन् जन्मे न लभसे, तदा भूम्याम् पुनः वत्स्यसि
After this class, I will play with my bicycle. anantaraḥ (afterwards) ayam vargaḥ, mama dvicakrikayā krīḍiṣyāmi
अनन्तरः अयम् वर्गः, मम द्विचक्रिकया क्रीडिष्यामि
You will maybe (syāt) go outside (bahiḥ). tvam bahiḥ syāt gamiṣyasi
We will maybe smile at a lion, bird, monkey, dog, cow, mouse. vayam (siṃham khagam vānaram kukkuram dhenum mūṣakam ca) syāt smeṣyāmahe
वयम् (सिंहम् खगम् वानरम् कुक्कुरम् धेनुम् मूषकम् च) स्यात् स्मेष्यामहे
Quickly! Go to the kitchen and bring the plate with food. śīghra! tvam pākaśālām gaccha, patrakam ca bhojanena saha ānaya!
शीघ्र! त्वम् पाकशालाम् गच्छ, पत्रकम् च भोजनेन सह आनय!
That worker must bring. sa karmakaraḥ ānayatu
स कर्मकरः आनयतु
That worker must bring rotikas, cakes and milk for us. sa karmakaraḥ rotikāmodakadugdhāni āvābhyām/nau ānayatu
स कर्मकरः रोतिकामोदकदुग्धानि आवाभ्याम्/नौ आनयतु
Nurse and doctor, quickly, come! paricārikevoc vaidyavoc, śīghra, āgacchatam
परिचारिके वैद्य, शीघ्र, आगच्छतम्
Kṣatriya must protect the brāḥmaṇa, and the brāḥmaṇa must protect the people. kṣatriyaḥ brāḥmanam gopāyatu, brāḥmanaḥ ca manuṣyān gopāyatu
क्षत्रियः ब्राःमनम् गोपायतु, ब्राःमनः च मनुष्यान् गोपायतु
You must obtain (state of balance)! samatvam labhasva
समत्वम् लभस्व
He must obtain (state of balance)! samatvam labhatām
समत्वम् लभताम्
I must obtain (state of balance)! samatvam labhai
समत्वम् लभै
You must obtain (state of balance) named yoga, from (one whose wisdom is great). tvam samatvam yogaḥ nāma guroḥ labhasva
त्वम् समत्वम् योगः नाम गुरोः लभस्व
Mind without intelligence, is not heard by the people. manaḥ buddhyā vinā, manuṣyaiḥ na śrūyate
मनः बुद्ध्या विना, मनुष्यैः न श्रूयते
Splendour of Lord is remembered when your mind is led to truth and desires austerity. yadā tava manaḥ satyam nīyate tapaḥ ca icchati, tadā bhagavataḥ tejaḥ smaryate
यदा तव मनः सत्यम् नीयते तपः च इच्छति, तदा भगवतः तेजः स्मर्यते
Reverence for the guru is seen by the students in the distance. namaḥ gurave śiṣyaiḥ dūre dṛśyate
नमः गुरवे शिष्यैः दूरे दृश्यते
Shelter in ashram is obtained by the devotee. śaraṇam aśrame bhaktena labhyate
शरणम् अश्रमे भक्तेन लभ्यते
Wealth of the guru is spread/stretched in the temple. guroḥ dhanam mandire tanyate
गुरोः धनम् मन्दिरे तन्यते


  • Cover any half of the table above, then translate. Only then check the answer. Do for 10 sentences above.


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Recorded 30 Jan, 2022


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