8. Kena Upanishad (Kenopanishad) Teachings – Day 3, Session 2


In this session, we explore the profound nature of Consciousness and Awareness, examining their relationship to sense perceptions and thoughts. The concept of One Awareness is discussed, challenging the notion of multiple awarenesses. Different types of distinctions (bheda) are explained: Sajatiya-bheda (like mango tree vs. oak tree), Vijatiya-bheda (like tree vs. animal), and Svagata-bheda (parts within a unit). Time-space relativity is addressed from both scientific perspectives, such as Einstein's theory of time dilation, and scriptural views, like the concept of time in pitr-loka. The session reduces time, space, and objects to concepts, with Awareness remaining as the foundation of all experience. The satya-mithya (real-apparent) relationship between Awareness and the world is explored, emphasizing that Awareness is the reality (satya) in which the apparent world (mithya) appears, similar to the relationship between wood and a table.

The discussion then shifts to how understanding one's true nature as Awareness affects perception, addressing the correction of personal (pratibhasika) and universal (vyavaharika) superimpositions. The importance of first addressing personal superimpositions through meditation (saguna brahma visaya manasa vyapara) is emphasized. The session explains that while correcting personal superimposition changes one's attitudes and values, correcting universal superimposition changes understanding without altering perception. It concludes by explaining the ultimate freedom that comes from accurately understanding reality, referencing the closing verse 1.2: “Pretya asmat lokat amrta bhavanti.” This understanding leads to recognizing oneself as the universal awareness that illuminates all minds since time immemorial, transcending the limitations of individual existence and connecting to the timeless, unchanging reality underlying all experience.

Revision of Kena Upanishad, Chapter 1, Verse 1-2:

  • REVISION: Two questions were asked by student:
    1. Is there a presence which makes my mind think, senses see?
      • Forms that eyes sees are many. Sounds which ear hears, are many.
      • For these varieties to take place, there must be presence of Consciousness, in whose presence it’s known that one thought has gone, another has come.
    2. If there is a presence, what is the nature of it?
      • Whatever attribute Consciousness reveals, it doesn’t take on that attribute. If it took on an attribute, then that attribute would be superimposed on a new perception. 
      • So far, we’ve seen Awareness can’t be any function of sense organs or mind.
        • If it were, then your entire existence would be filled with one single attribute (like yellow) for the time being, and you would be incapable of seeing blue, green, etc.
  • ONE AWARENESS EXPLANATION: Suppose each person says “I am awareness”, then how many awarenesses are there? In order to establish there are two things, then each should have different attribute. To understand better…
    1. Sajatiya-bheda: Mango tree is different from oak tree.
      • Incorrect: My awareness is different from yours, and your awareness is different from mine. In which case, your awareness becomes an object for me, in which case I should be able to describe it.
      • Correction: We’ve seen Awareness doesn’t take on attributes of sound, thoughts (for both you and me) – thus it’s free from attributes (for both you and me).
    2. Vijatiya-bheda: Tree is totally different from animal.
      1. TIME-SPACE: We’ve seen there’s only two things in universe that only have vijatiya bheda: time & space. EG: Space is different from table, thus vijatiya-bheda.
        • Space doesn’t have sajatiya-bheda (EG: cup-space vs. room-space).
        • Space doesn’t have svagata-bheda (space made of parts).
      2. AWARENESS: If Awareness is distinct from everything else, isn’t it vijatiya-bheda?
        1. Doesn’t have vijatiya-bheda, as Awareness has satya-mithya relationship with everything.
        2. Satya-mithya means there’s no two.
          • EG: Wood-table seem two, but upon resolution, table is merely a form of the substance. If take out the substance, there’s no form.
          • If there’s only one, then can’t have vijatiya-bheda. EG: Can you say “Table” is unlike “wood”? What table! Can you say world is unlike intelligence? What world! 
          • How to understand satya-mithya relationship in reference to world?
            • Start with any object, upon analysis, it’s forms within forms. Table > wood > atoms > particles >
            • If can apply this to one object, then apply it to any object.
        3. Since all reduces to concepts, what is meaning of “concept”? Not mental-concept. But if reduce a form, at one point, can’t find a tangible building block of anything, and at same time, you can’t have an effect (which you can pinpoint) without a cause.
        4. How to understand Time-space as a concept:
          • Time:
            • 1 hour = 60 min. 1 min = 60 sec. Units within units. Einstein showed relativity of time.
            • Science Mentions of Relativity of Time:
              • Object is moving very fast. It’s motion is observed by you (stationary observer). The object’s clock would seem to tick slower then observers clock. And from observer’s standpoint, object’s physical deterioration would appear to be happening slower. Called time dilation.
              • Two twins. One stays on earth. Other goes travelling light speed in space, and eventually returns. Two twins would’ve aged differently.
            • Scriptural Mention of Relativity of Time:
              • Rishies understood, for example in “Shraddha” annual event of giving ancestors food for gratitude. They get it in pitr-loka once a day.
          • Space: Distance between two points. Infinite points in-between.
        • So far, we’ve reduced time-space-objects to concepts. What remains is Awareness, because of which you’re able to witness time-space-objects.
        • What is relationship between Awareness and concept? Concept can’t exist without Awareness, and Awareness (satya) is free from concept (mithya).
        • Where is this Awareness? Not given as object, but presence in whom everything else is objectified. It’s available in your buddhi, as self-evident I  (Svataḥ siddhaḥ).
        • Suppose I understand my nature of Awareness – what happens to my perception in reference to self and everything else?
          • Revision of the fundamental problems? Self-evident I gets mixed up with body-mind, due to superimposition, which is true for everyone. Everyone has experience of “I” having a body-mind. Just like when open eyes, earth seems flat for me and everyone else (even though it’s not).
          • When personal superimposition is corrected (Nirupadhika-adhyasa): When correct personal superimposition (pratibhasika), perception changes. Relative to change to attitudes, values, self-growth, mind.
          • When universal superimposition is corrected (Sopadhika-adhyasa): When correct universal superimposition (vyavaharika), then perception doesn’t change, only understanding changes.
            • IE: You still don’t see curvature of earth. You still experience yourself having body-mind.
      4. First step in correcting superimposition is to address your pratibhasika: As result of universal superimposition (body-mind superimposed on Awareness), it produces subsequent personal superimpositions, “I’m no good, I’m the king”.
        • Thus have to first undo pratibhasika (personal story), before take interest in analyzing nature of vyavaharika, and come to paramarthika. To undo pratibhasika, need meditation (saguna brahma visaya manasa vyapara).
    3. Svagata-bheda: Within one unit (body), there are parts. Awareness has no parts.
  • CLOSING VERSE 1.2: Suppose you understand the reality accurately, what will happen? Pretya asmat lokat amrta bhavanti.
    1. Correction of error leads to your freedom.
      • Long as your “I” is in body-mind, no matter who you are, you’re an insignificant spec in universe. You understand my awareness is actually universal awareness that is lighting up minds of all beings since time immemorial.
    2. You will also stop trying to experience Awareness, recognizing it’s attributeless, thus can’t be experience as any one particular thing.
      • No question of manipulating the mind to make Awareness reveal itself to you. There’s one non-changing reality, in whose presence, changes of your/my thoughts are known.
    3. Even if you experience vastness, it’s only for 30 years. A spec in eternity.

Recorded 10 July, 2024

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