17. Kena Upanishad (Kenopanishad) Teachings – Day 6, Session 2


In this session, we explore the Kena Upanishad, focusing on chapters 3 and 4. The narrative revolves around devas Agni, Vayu, and Indra encountering a mysterious yaksha (celestial being). Agni and Vayu, despite their powers, fail to recognize or overcome the yaksha, retreating in shame when unable to burn or lift a blade of grass.

The story illustrates the dangers of arrogance and the importance of humility. Indra, approaching with curiosity, meets Uma (representing knowledge or guru), who reveals the yaksha as Brahman. This teaches that even devas need self-knowledge and that all victories belong to Brahman.

The session emphasizes the role of Ishvara in Vedanta, explaining that understanding Brahman requires starting with what the mind can grasp. It warns against selectively choosing parts of Vedanta and stresses the importance of using every aspect of the teachings for spiritual growth.

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 3:

ते अग्निम् अब्रुवन् जातवेद एतत् विजानीहि किम् एतत् यक्षम् इति तथा इति
te agnim abruvan jātaveda etat vijānīhi kim etat yakṣam iti tathā iti
The devas said to Agni, “O Jātaveda! Please find out what this yakṣa is.” Agni replied, “Let it be so.”

  • Agni deva is assigned to find out who yaksha is (Ishvara in form of wise celestial entity).

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 4:

तत् अभ्यद्रवत् तम् अभ्यवदत् कः असि इति अग्निः वै अहम् अस्मि इति अब्रवीत् जातवेदाः वै अहम् अस्मि इति
tat abhyadravat tam abhyavadat kaḥ asi iti agniḥ vai aham asmi iti abravīt jātavedāḥ vai aham asmi iti
Agni approached that (yakṣa). (The yakṣa) asked him, “Who are you?” (Agni) answered, “I am the well-known Agni. I am well known as Jātavedā, the bestower of wealth.”

  • As Agni deva approaches Yaksha, Yaksha asks “Who are you?”.  Suppose you think you’re superstar, and someone asks “Who are you?”,  your pride goes down.  So Agni responds, “I am Agni, don’t you know me! I’m not only well-known, I can distribute wealth!”EG: In Vedic rituals fire used to contact devas to whom you’re praying to for goodies.

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 5:

तस्मिन् त्वयि किम् वीर्यम् इति अपि इदम् सर्वम् दहेयम् यत् इदम् पृथिव्याम् इति
tasmin tvayi kim vīryam iti api idam sarvam daheyam yat idam pṛthivyām iti
The yakṣa asked, “What is the power in you of such (greatness)?” (Agni answered), “I can burn down all that is there on this earth.”

  • “Show me what can you do!”. Agni replies, “Whatever is here, I can burn”.
  • NEXT VERSE: What does yaksha do?

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 6:

तस्मै तृणम् निदधौ एतत् दह इति तत् उपप्रेयाय सर्वजवेन
तत् न शशाक दग्धुम् सः ततः एव निववृते न एतत् अशकम् विज्ञातुम् यत् एतत् यक्षम् इति
tasmai tṛṇam nidadhau etat daha iti tat upapreyāya sarvajavena
tat na śaśāka dagdhum saḥ tataḥ eva nivavṛte na etat aśakam vijñātum yat etat yakṣam iti
The yakṣa placed a blade of grass in front of Agni and said, “Burn this (blade of grass).” Agni approached that (blade of grass) with all his force. (But he) could not burn that (blade of grass). (Then,) Agni retreated from there and said to the devas, “I could not find out what this yakṣa is.”

  • Yaksha gives him blade of grass, and says “Burn it!”. If Agni has claimed he can burn everything, why take up simple challenge of burning grass?   Long as self-doubt (arising from sense of smallness; ignorance), need to prove oneself.
  • Agni took up challenge and couldn’t burn it. Felt deflated, defeated.
    • Applying to you: Higher you go up in hierarchy, more likely take ownership or sense of entitlement.  Then events in life show, you’re not in total control. Feel defeated.  EG: Employees working for you, giving illusion of total control. Parents with kids.
    • Agni felt so ashamed, didn’t even stay and ask how he can’t burn. He retreated in denial or condoned the situation (downplayed it as if it’s not a big deal). Meaning have choice: Either fall apart and miss opportunity to learn, OR investigate.
  • What is symbolism that Agni couldn’t burn grass?
    • Nothing wrong with Agni’s glory. But if don’t see your glory/success in proper light, universe designed to bring you back, by popping the bubble.
    • Correction: Acknowledge your talents. Simultaneously recognize how many contributed to your success. Recognize whole thing is in Ishvara’s order. No question of arrogance. At same time, doesn’t mean self-depreciating (“I’m nothing, just a servant of Ishvara). If tell self you’re nothing, can’t ever accept your limitless nature.
  • Agni goes to devas and says “I couldn’t figure out who yaksha is!”.
  • NEXT VERSE: Mission given to Vayu

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 7:

अथ वायुम् अब्रुवन् वायो एतत् विजानीहि किम् एतत् यक्षम् इति तथा इति
atha vāyum abruvan vāyo etat vijānīhi kim etat yakṣam iti tathā iti
Then, the devas said to Vāyu, “O Vāyu, Please find out what this yakṣa is.” Vāyu replied, “Let it be so.”

  • Devas assign Vayu to find out who Yaksha is.

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 8:

तत् अभ्यद्रवत् तम् अभ्यवदत् कः असि इति वायुः वै अहम् अस्मि इति अब्रवीत् मातरिश्वा वै अहम् अस्मि इति
tat abhyadravat tam abhyavadat kaḥ asi iti vāyuḥ vai aham asmi iti abravīt mātariśvā vai aham asmi iti
Vāyu approached that (yakṣa). (The yakṣa) asked him, “Who are you?” (Vāyu) answered, “I am the well-known Vāyu. I am well known as Mātariśvā, the one who freely moves in the sky.”

  • Yaksha asked Vayu, “Who are you?”. Vayu responds, “You don’t know me! I’m well known Vayu. I freely move in the sky; I am everywhere, not tied to any one place”.
  • Qualities between Agni/Vayu are different, but both have excess sense of ownership. EG: Someone is proud of intelligence, another proud of beauty.

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 9:

तस्मिन् त्वयि किम् वीर्यम् इति अपि इदम् सर्वम् आददीय यत् इदम् पृथिव्याम् इति
tasmin tvayi kim vīryam iti api idam sarvam ādadīya yat idam pṛthivyām iti
The yakṣa asked, “What is the strength in you of such (greatness)?” (Vāyu answered) “I can lift all this which is upon the earth.”

  • Yaksha asked, “What is your specialty?”. Vayu replies, “I can lift anything on earth, through cyclone”. So in hopes to prove oneself, Vayu mentions it’s destructive force.
  • NEXT VERSE: Yaksha gives him challenge…

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 10:

तस्मै तृणम् निदधौ एतत् आदत्स्व इति तत् उपप्रेयाय सर्वजवेन
तत् न शशाक आदातुम् सः ततः एव निववृते न एतत् अशकम् विज्ञातुम्
यत् एतत् यक्षम् इति
tasmai tṛṇam nidadhau etat ādatsva iti tat upapreyāya sarvajavena
tat na śaśāka ādātum saḥ tataḥ eva nivavṛte na etat aśakam vijñātum
yat etat yakṣam iti

The yakṣa placed the same blade of grass in front of Vāyu and said, “Lift this (blade of grass).” Vāyu approached that (blade of grass) with all his force. (But he) could not lift that (blade of grass). (Then,) Vāyu retreated from there and said to the devas, “I could not find out what this yakṣa is.”

  • Yaksha places grass before Vayu and ask to lift it. Vayu responds, “I can uproot anything, and you’re only asking me to lift this! Sounds like complete joke!”. But takes up challenge, but with all force, is unable to.
  • Vayu retreated, returned to devas, saying, “I could not find out who yaksha is”.
    • MORAL: Shows, different talents, different traits, different accomplishments. But when ignorant of Ishvara, attitude is the same: denial, doesn’t investigate further.
    • REMINDER: Yaksha’s presence isn’t to give them hard time. But to remind, “If you were in total control, you’d be able to move the grass”. Very fact they can’t, means there’s a bigger force then Agni/Vayu. Yet neither used the opportunity to investigate. In times of discomfort, you’re given potential to turn it into learning opportunity, or retreat. Up to you. Agni/Vayu retreated to protect their self-image, without engaging with Yaksha.
  • NEXT VERSE: Indra (king of all devas), says “My people can’t do the job, so I’ll find out!”…

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 11:

अथ इन्द्रम् अब्रुवन् मघवन् एतत् विजानीहि किम् एतत् यक्षम् इति
तथा इति तत् अभ्यद्रवत् तस्मात् तिरोदधे
atha indram abruvan maghavan etat vijānīhi kim etat yakṣam iti
tathā iti tat abhyadravat tasmāt tirodadhe

Then, the devas said to Indra, “O Indra, please find out what this yakṣa is.” “Let it be so,” (Indra replied). Indra (then) approached that (yakṣa). The yakṣa disappeared from him (from that place).

  • Devas ask Indra to find out nature of Yaksha. Indra agrees. As Indra approached Yaksha, the Yaksha disappeared, and appeared in it’s place…

Kena Upanishad, Chapter 3, Verse 12:

सः तस्मिन् एव आकाशे स्त्रियम् आजगाम बहुशोभमानाम् उमाम् हैमवतीम्
तम् ह उवाच किम् एतत् यक्षम् इति
saḥ tasmin eva ākāśe striyam ājagāma bahuśobhamānām umām haimavatīm
tam ha uvāca kim etat yakṣam iti

Indra (remained) in that very same place. He approached a woman (who appeared there) who was Umā, the daughter of Himavān and who was very effulgent. Indra indeed asked her, “What is this yakṣa?”

  • An effulgent woman (called Uma; who represents the guru) appeared, whom Indra asked, “What is nature of this yaksha?”.
    • SYMBOLISM: Prior devas retreated in shame. While Indra’s attitude was curious, not arrogant, thus eligible for knowledge, or was opened to possibility of brahma-vidya. Yaksha can only bless you when you approach with right attitude. Uma represents knowledge.
    • Same in case of B.G. Arjuna/Krishna knew each other since kids. Arjuna asked Krishna (Lord) for limited things, thus got limitations. When became ready, asked for final knowledge. Even if you’re evolved (like Arjuna), doesn’t mean automatic eligibility. Small minority come to Brahma-vidya. Even if come to brahma-vidya, fewer follow-up.
    • What’s difference between Krishna/Uma and Wise-Jiva like Yaksha (or Udalaka father of Chandogya Upanishad, or Yajnavalkya husband of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)?
      • Wise-jiva was born ignorant, removed ignorance, and transfers vision. Avatara born with Knowledge, transfers vision.
      • Ishvara gives keys to come out of samsara, in form of wise-jiva or Avatara. From whom words come from is irrelevant, provided vision is ascertained.
  • NEXT CHAPTER: Story continues between Uma and Indra




Kena Upanishad, Chapter 4, Verse 1:

सा ब्रह्म इति ह उवाच ब्रह्मणः वै एतत् विजये महीयध्वम् इति ततः
ह एव विदाञ्चकार ब्रह्म इति
sā brahma iti ha uvāca brahmaṇaḥ vai etat vijaye mahīyadhvam iti tataḥ
ha eva vidāñcakāra brahma iti

She (Umā) revealed (to Indra) that (the yakṣa is none other than) Brahman and said, “You are honoured, in this manner indeed, in the victory of Brahman only.” From that (teaching of Umā) alone Indra knew the yakṣa to be Brahman.

  • Uma showed Indra that yaksha is Brahman. Then shows, any victory of yours, is Brahman’s alone.
    • SYMBOLISM: Verse shows even devatas are born with ignorance; travelling from loka-to-loka. They also need to be taught the same self-knowledge as is taught on earth. Meaning, though devas eyes/mind are more refined, still can’t recognize Intelligence nor Awareness that makes eyes/mind what it is.  No matter where you are in universe, method of removing ignorance is same.
    • What is Indra’s advantage? He got knowledge effortlessly because of curiosity, humility. Similarly, if mind is endowed with right values, can get it.
    • So Indra saw two things that prior devas didn’t: (1) Victory they got over asuras was owing to Ishvara’s grace, (2) Brahman (the final reality)
      • And can’t know Brahman without Ishvara, because:
        • Brahman is attributeless.
        • Thus have to start on what mind CAN capture, which is forms and Intelligence making each form what it is, including your body-mind what it is. Then cognitively understand the content of Intelligence is Awareness. So liberated person’s mind is on Ishvara, not Awareness.
      • Vedanta without Ishvara is like floating in an idea, without anything palpable.
        • Common question, “Can’t be just use Vedanta to know Awareness, and skip all this uncomfortable Ishvara, emotions, etc?”. Question of ineligible-lazy mind, finding path of least resistance.
        • If I take out Ishvara from Vedanta, because I’m not comfortable with Ishvara, I convert Vedanta into Dvaita-Advaita. EG: If you say “I know the Reality” and still feel uncomfortable, that’s Ishvara’s feedback something is unresolved.
        • Who are you to decide what part of Pramana is worth and not-worth your time?!
          • EG: I don’t want to listen to past-life, Karma! Means individual is above scriptures.
          • CORRECTION: Let me use every aspect of Pramana to make a quantum shift!
  • NEXT VERSE: Indra passes on knowledge to Agni/Vayu

Recorded 13 July, 2024

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