13. Kena Upanishad (Kenopanishad) Teachings – Day 5, Session 1


In this session, the teacher explores creation's circular nature, emphasizing beginningless cycles of manifestation and unmanifestation. Knowledge and power are presented as creation's essence, with time, space, and objects as their effects. The Self (Atman) is described as constant awareness illuminating all experiences. The jiva's journey is explained as beginningless but not endless, with liberation possible. Self-realization methods include thoughtful inquiry, listening, contemplation, and mental reminders. The teacher stresses the importance of a relatable guru and retreats. Prayer is discussed as self-affirmation and a focus-enhancing tool. Deities are explained as aspects of Ishvara, representing different facets of knowledge and power.

Questions and Answers:

Nature of Reality and Creation

a) Circular Nature of Creation

  • Creation is beginningless (anadi) and endless. Need to give up Western model of linearity (it started at some point). Think of creation as circular. Nowhere on the circle is an end nor a beginning. 
  • Undergoes cycles of manifestation and unmanifestation
  • Cannot pinpoint an absolute beginning of anything this universe.

b) Knowledge and Power as the Essence of Creation

  • All creation is a manifestation of knowledge and power
  • Knowledge and power are eternal, resting in awareness
  • Time, space, and objects are effects of knowledge and power

c) Infinity of Creation

  • Infinite universes and worlds exist
  • Infinite jivas populate creation. According to Vedas, Earth isn't the only planet that harbors intelligent self-aware beings.

Nature of the Self (Atman)

a) Awareness as the Constant Reality

  • Awareness is eternal, without beginning or end
  • Awareness is the illuminator of all your experiences. It's not the mind.

b) Jiva's Journey

  • Jivas are beginningless (anadi) but not endless (ananta)
  • The journey of birth-death continues until realize your identity is not bound to your life nor this world

Methodology of Moksha

a) Thoughtful Inquiry (Shravana, Manana, Nididhyasana)

  • Relating teachings to personal experience
  • Overcoming fear to ask questions and engage with the teacher
  • Analyzing experiences and reducing them to knowledge and power
  • Connecting causes and effects in one's experiences

b) Mental Reminders

  • Constant awareness of the illuminator of thoughts
  • Not turning Brahman into an object of thought. Brahman is presence because of which objects or thoughts are observed. What is observing objects or thoughts? It's not the mind, but Brahman.

Role of the Teacher and Student Relationship

a) Importance of a Relatable Teacher

  • Teacher as a friend and guide
  • Healing through connection with the teacher
  • Overcoming fear and vulnerability in approaching the teacher

b) Retreats and Regular Contact

  • Value of retreats for deepening understanding
  • Importance of maintaining connection, even if infrequent

Prayer and Devotion

a) Prayer: Prayer is an action, which always returns a positive result. Because no action can go without a corresponding effect.

b) Understanding Deities as Aspects of Ishvara

  • Deities are names for different aspects of knowledge and power
  • Relate to a deity based on your personal needs and inclinations. For example… 
    • Lakshmi: Ishvara's laws the distribute wealth.
    • Sarasvati: Ishvara's laws that decide intelligence in every human / animal.  EG: Horse intelligence is different from Elephant.
    • Durga: Ishvara's laws that endows species with power. EG: Lion is endowed from different strength from deer. Or mental strength. Or woman vs man strength.
    • Bhaga: Ishvara's laws which allows you to enjoy your living fortune.  EG: If have wealth, but not good fortune, then unable to have fulfillment or enjoy it responsibly. 
    • Ganesha: Ishvara's laws that give/removes obstacles. If pray to Ganesha, you offset obstructions denying you karma-phala.

Recorded 12 July, 2024

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