11. Bhagavad Gita Online Course – Chapter 2, Verse 8-10 (Resolving Inner Conflicts)


Session focuses on one's struggle to determine the right course of action. Arjuna is depicted as being in a state of emotional turmoil, unable to compose himself and seeking Krishna's guidance. Krishna emphasizes importance of faith, understanding one's duties, and the pursuit of Moksha (liberation). Feedback from results of your actions and from others responses allows you to further refine the quality of your actions. Session also speaks of maintaining balance in life, addressing unresolved emotions, and the impact of likes and dislikes, holding you hostage.


  • Chapter 2, Verse 1: Sanjaya describes Arjuna's distressed state to Dhritarashtra. Verse highlights the emotional turmoil Arjuna is experiencing. To this Arjuna, Krishna begins to speak.
  • Chapter 2, Verses 2-3: Krishna challenges Arjuna's despair, urging him to regain composure and face his duty. This unexpected response serves to shake Arjuna out of his despondency and probe him to begin asking the right questions. Also Arjuna is a (a) warrior, (b) knew about mass destruction, (c) signed up to protector role long ago. Krishna's words highlight the importance of fulfilling one's duty, even in difficult circumstances. 
  • Chapter 2, Verses 4-5: Arjuna justifies his reluctance to fight, citing scriptures (EG: Taittiriya Upanishad 1.11, “Revere your teacher, mom, dad, and guest as God”) – mentioning sin of killing Guru. While empathetic, it can also be a trap of philosophizing to mask insecurities. Arjuna's arguments, while seemingly noble, reveal his inner conflict and inability to see the larger picture.  
    • Who is guru? Gukara andhakara vai, Rukara nivartika. To help you memorize:
      • Gu, sounds like “goo“. Yuck, dirt, seaweed. Impurities, ignorance, darkness.
      • Ru, sounds like “roo“. Short for kangaroo. Who kicks, removes or destroys the goo.
    • How we camouflage insecurity with philosophizing?
      1. Partner’s needs are unmet & is showing unhappiness. Philosophy: Everyone needs to resolve their own stuff.
      2. Envious of another’s success or wealth. Philosophy: “It’s easier for rope to go through eye of needle, then rich (successful) man to enter kingdom of God!”.
      3. “I don’t want to participate in this”. Philosophy: I’m old, know enough, and there’s nothing in this for me.
  • Chapter 2, Verses 6-7: Arjuna admits his non-confidence, doubt, and clouded thinking regarding 2 universal matters:
    1. SITUATIONAL MATTERS: dharma sammudha ceta : Everyone is asked to play a role in every situation given. Not always easy to know due to limited information, personal pressures, emotional attachments. “Is there a way or some model I can follow that will help me get really clear and confident, what is to be done right now?”.
    2. FUNDAMENTAL MATTER: yat śreyah syāt niścitam brūhi tat me : Even if I’m well educated, and life is smooth, what of all of it? Is there a deeper purpose to it all? According to Vedas, one needs to eventually recognize that Security (artha), Pleasures (kama) and Morality (dharma) are means to Moksha, which is graining permanent fulfillment. It is coming home once-and-for-all.
  • Arjuna puts his faith in Krishna to help him resolve 2 timeless questions.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 8

न हि प्रपश्यामि मम अपनुद्यात्
यत् शोकम् उच्छोषणम् इन्द्रियाणाम् ।
अवाप्य भूमौ असपत्नम् ऋद्धम्
राज्यम् सुराणाम् अपि च आधिपत्यम् ॥ २-८॥
na hi prapaśyāmi mama apanudyāt
yat śokam ucchoṣaṇam indriyāṇām ।
avāpya bhūmau asapatnam ṛddham
rājyam surāṇām api ca ādhipatyam ॥ 2-8॥
Indeed, I do not see anything that would remove the sorrow that dries up my senses, even if I were to obtain an unrivalled and prosperous kingdom on earth and sovereignty over the denizens of heaven.

  • Arjuna reiterates he can’t figure how to free himself from sorrow, and now he leaves it up to Krishna to show him how to gain the final fulfillment in life.
  • QUESTION: We’re not fighting a war, so how is Bhagavad Gita important to me?
    1. SITUATIONAL: In your life, have you always been 100% clear what to do in a situation? No. Something shook you, and didn’t know what’s right action. So B.Gita is answer not only to Arjuna but to all.
    2. FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION: Did you at sometime come in situation saying, “I have gotten everything I wanted, but I’m still not fulfilled”? This opens a different kind of question; what gives me the highest fulfillment.
  • SUMMARY: B.GIta is answer to 2 questions of every human being. It’s a solution for which you don’t have answers for.
  • NEXT VERSE: Sanjaya is recounting to Dhritarashtra that hero Arjuna has broken down and asking Krishna for help…

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 9-10

एवम् उक्त्वा हृषीकेशम् गुडाकेशः परन्तपः । न योत्स्ये इति गोविन्दम् उक्त्वा तूष्णीम् बभूव ह ॥ २-९॥
evam uktvā hṛṣīkeśam guḍākeśaḥ parantapaḥ । na yotsye iti govindam uktvā tūṣṇīm babhūva ha ॥ 2-9॥
Sañjaya said: Having spoken to Hṛṣīkeśa (Lord Kṛṣṇa) in this manner, Guḍākeśa (Arjuna), the scorcher of foes, said, ‘I shall not fight.’ Speaking thus to Govinda (Lord Kṛṣṇa), he became silent.

तम् उवाच हृषीकेशः प्रहसन् इव भारत । सेनयोः उभयोः मध्ये विषीदन्तम् इदम् वचः ॥ २-१०॥
tam uvāca hṛṣīkeśaḥ prahasan iva bhārata । senayoḥ ubhayoḥ madhye viṣīdantam idam vacaḥ ॥ 2-10॥
Smiling, as it were, Lord Krishna spoke these words to that (Arjuna) who was grieving in between the two armies, Oh Dhrtarastra!

Sanjaya is telling to Dhritarashtra that Arjuna has given up his arms and has asked Krishna two questions. And how does Krishna begin teaching? Prahasan iva bhārata; with a smile on his face (not in a sadistic way). Because Krishna is happy that a big evergreen teaching can finally start. Because the context is just right, and the teaching will bless humanity.


HOMEWORK: How would you start out by helping Arjuna? Which question would you first answer (the situational questions, or the fundamental question), and why? EG:

  1. Fundamental because it’ll give larger vision of life from which you can make proper situational decisions.
  2. Situational because it’s practical, and will give space for the mind to think fundamental.


Course was based on Neema Majmudar's Bhagavad Gita & Swami Dayananda (Arsha Vidya) home study course.

Recorded 21 July, 2024

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