1 – Tattva Bodha (Knowledge of Truth) – A Comprehensive Introduction to Wisdom of Advaita Vedanta


Vedanta is a means of knowledge. Not a philosophy or “School of thought”. Definition of Vedanta (veda + anta). Three texts of Vedanta.  What kind of text is Tattva Bodha?

Introduction to Tattva Bodha:

Tattvabodha is name of text we're studying. It is preliminary or foundational text of Vedanta.

Consider this: Basic arithmetic is essential for all mathematical operations, just as learning to walk precedes running a triathlon. In language, mastering fundamental vocabulary is the key to communication. Interestingly, even billionaires use less than 2% of their language's total vocabulary, yet they successfully influence millions and conduct complex business transactions.

This shows nothing of solid and lasting value can be achieved without first mastering the fundamentals.

What does Vedanta mean? It has 2 words: veda & anta. What are they?…

Definition of “Veda”:

Every word has a root/core/essence behind it. For example, Greek root word “archy” (government), makes up:

  • Anarchy: absence of government rule.
  • Monoarchy: state ruled by single government.
  • Hierarchy: government in rank.

What is root of word “veda“? √vid (To know / To attain).

For instance, common word “vidyā (knowledge)” comes from √vid.  So “Veda” means: to know (or) to attain.

Put together “know” and “attain”, and you have final definition of “Veda“: That by which we attain knowledge.

However we also have five senses, mind and intellect by which we attain knowledge of the outside world and our inner subjective world.

If senses, mind & intellect is also a means of knowledge — then why do we need Veda? To answer, let's first define:


  • Gives knowledge of external world. However has limits. EG: Can an eye see mitochondria/nucleus? No.
  • What is solution to overcome limitation of our senses? Use microscope instrument, which gives us knowledge beyond eye’s limits. Thus microscope/telescope is called: Exceptional means of knowledge. Because it adds another layer previously unknown to our eye-sense. Meaning microscope/telescope are the boss (supreme authority) in their OWN field.


  • Gives knowledge of external world (by help of five senses) and internal processes (such as what you remember, infer, sense, understand, emote).

What are both senses and mind restricted to perceiving? The reality which is BEHIND them.

What is behind both the senses and the mind? Let's see…

Means of knowledge for BEHIND

Veda is an exceptional means of knowledge gives knowledge of consciousness or “I am” in whose presence the senses and the functions of the mind take place. The awareness that illumines the senses and the mind.

Suppose your sight or hearing is lost, is your “I AM” lost? No. Rather, in presence of “I am”, sight or hearing is known to be reduced or lost completely. 

So can senses/mind reveal this “am-ness”? No. Does a thought in the mind displace “I am”? No. Whether the thought is there or silence is there, I am in both of them.

Therefore, Veda is an instrument by which am-ness is revealed. It is a guide HOW to discover the “I AM” behind the mind/senses. In fact everyone already knows “I am”, except I don't know the nature of “I”. Am I as good as the senses and the mind, or much bigger? That's what Veda answers.

Let's recap so far…

  1. BODY: “I am” can't be your physical body because body is constantly changing, growing and repairing. Yet you know yourself as one continuous presence. In presence of I, there is a body that's changing.   Body is analogous to a machine with 4 motors, 2 lights, 1 speaker, CPU. Suppose 1 light breaks or the motor is replaced. Neither affects electricity (analogous for consciousness which enables the entire machine to work).
  2. MIND: “I am” can't be referring to the mind because while the mind can forget, you can't forget “I am”, because it's always evident to you that you are.

“Behind” is an implied meaning. It doesn't meant spatially behind, but in sense of there is something enabling your mind to know, to experience to enjoy.

For example: 

  • Electricity is behind the speaker. Battery is behind the torch. Both enjoy their function because of that which is “behind” them.
  • Fan thinks it’s independently doing the spinning and cooling. Thus becomes proud and forms a personality complex. In reality it's spinning and cooling is entirely dependent on that which is “behind” it, which is electricity. 


  • Vedas is exceptional means of knowledge because it gives more then what senses & mind can show.
  • What does Veda show? Reality/truth which is BEHIND everything, which is awareness, which is your true nature.

Means of knowledge for BEYOND

What else does Veda show us? Knowledge which can’t be known through any means, including biology, physics, science, chemistry, etc.

For example, Veda shows logically that brain is different from mind (something that biology/science can't necessarily show). Brain is gross, while mind is subtle. Just as computer hardware is gross, while software is subtle.

Here's some ways it demonstrates difference between brain and mind…

  1. Brain is physical and weighs 1.3kg. But how much do thoughts, memories, emotions weight? Thus they're subtle in nature.
  2. Brain is subject to gravity. Thoughts/emotions/desires/memories are not pulled down by gravity as they are not subject to physical laws.
  3. Near-Death experience. Person’s heart stops for minutes. Brain ceases neural-activity. Yet upon resurrection, person reports seeing/hearing doctor's conversations, own body and room.
  4. Brain can be perceived by the physical senses. While mind cannot. For example, I can see your nose, but can't perceive what you smell. I can't find your emotions in any brain cell (which is nothing but atoms). Difference implies the two cannot be same order of reality.
  5. Brain structure of people is exactly the same, with minor differences. Yet mind's desires/thoughts/emotions/experiences are vastly different. Thus mind can't be the physical brain.
  6. Hooking up Brain to EEG will only show parts of electrical activity in brain. So brain/electricity is gross. Won't show subjective experience (like imaginations, desires, memories, emotions) person is having.
  7. We can examine our subjective experience, but can't introspect our own brain's physical processes in same way. 
  8. One may have physical brain conditions like dementia, brain injury, memory loss — but one's sense of “I” remains intact (sense of I, or that mechanism that creates sense of individuality, is part of the mind).

CONCLUSION: Mind is different from the brain/body. Thus the mind survives the death of the body.

Examples where Vedas becomes an exceptional means of knowledge for BEYOND:

  1. What happens to individual after fall of body.
  2. Inescapable phenomena of action-reaction. Cause-effect. Law of Karma.

How can I prove this?

One can only know AFTER going through the logic of Vedas. For example…

Microscope unveils the existence of mitochondria. Suppose, I refuse to use microscope to find out for myself. Can I discover mitochondria, unless I FIRST use the microscope? No. Meaning, microscope remains the final authority as means-of-knowledge for revealing mitochondria. How long does microscope remain authority? Until I use microscope, and find out for myself. Meaning, microscope doesn't care whether I doubt it’s ability to reveal. It’s your loss.

Similarly, Vedas remains authority as means-of-knowledge, to reveal Self (atma). In same way, Veda doesn't care if person rejects it’s authority. It’s person’s loss.

Therefore individual discovers Self by treating Veda as authoritative means-of-knowledge. For how long? Until Self is known for what it truly is. And this is done by help of a guide or teacher (guru).

Just how science learner needs a guide to show how to use the microscope, the spiritual seeker needs a teacher to help reveal Self through Veda.

Definition of Veda in sanskrit:

Definition of veda in sanskrit is: alaukika viṣaye vedāḥ pramāṇam

  • Pramāṇam: Means/instrument of knowledge.
  • Viṣaya: area, topic.
  • Alaukika:
    • Laukika: World which is seen by senses/mind.
    • Alaukika: What cannot be seen by senses/mind.

Translation: Veda are means of knowledge for all things beyond senses & mind.

Definition of “Anta”:

2 Meanings:

  1. Inside.  EG: Antaḥ karaṇa (Inner instrument).
  2. Final / end. 

Veda has 2 portions:


  • Gaining better worlds: Karma-kāṇḍa (Portion dealing with Action).
  • Contains instructions for going to better worlds, with greater pleasures: svarga loka.
  • Because earth is not the only loka in the universe. And it’s mixture of pleasure/sorrow. Ratio of pleasure/sorrow depends on body. EG: Plants/animals have greater sorrow. Less options. We think birds are free, but are fearful.
  • Vedas tells us about 14 lokas and action needed to enter them.
    • 14 lokas are used in Vedas to convey the entire spectrum of Existence, covering all universes/worlds.
    • These 14 lokas are also often referred to as “Three worlds”, “The 3 worlds”, which are:
      • 3 Worlds Model:  bhūḥ (7 lower), bhuvaḥ (earth), suvaḥ (6 higher). Total 14.
      • Names:
        • 6 Higher worlds (from subtle to most-subtle): bhuvaḥ (pitṛ/candra), svarga (heaven), mahaḥ, janaḥ, tapaḥ, satyam (brahmaloka).
        • Middle: bhūḥ (earth). Both gross & subtle.
        • 7 Lower worlds (from gross to most-gross): atala, vitala, sutala, talātala, rasātala, mahātala, pātāla.
        • More about Hindu cosmology and the 14 lokas.
  • Because so many results and actions are possible, karma-kāṇḍa is bulkier then 2nd portion. 


  • Speaks of nature of self: upaniṣads / jñāna-kāṇḍa
  • 1st portion has limitations: It’s results are limited. Because the actions to attain them are limited.
    • EG:
      • How long enjoy holiday? Until money runs out.
      • Similarly, once puṇya money gone, individual returns to Earth.
  • Whereas 2nd portion shows solution to discovering fulfillment which is permanent, limitless and unchanging.
  • Who is 2nd portion for?  Seekers who are tired of limited results. Only interested in ONE ULTIMATE RESULT which has no second higher.
    • DOUBT: I don't believe this claim! ANSWER: Must follow logic of Veda in order to discover for yourself. Until then, Veda remains authoritative means-of-knowledge.
  • Meaning 2nd portion delivers ONE limitless result. Hence it’s shorter then 1st portion.


  • Inside: Meaning Upaniṣads can be found throughout Veda. Beginning, middle, end.
  • Final/end: Meaning, it is the final message of Vedas. Culmination of Veda.

Then what is Tattva Bodha? It is a basic text which will help you understand the FINAL message of upaniṣads (spread throughout Veda).


Let's revise notes above…

  • We saw what is Veda & Anta.
  • Veda: Exceptional means of knowledge.
    • EG: Microscope exceptional means of knowledge, when attached to eye. In same way, Veda is exceptional means of knowledge, when attached to mind.
    • Exceptional means of knowledge: Alaukika viṣaya – that which does NOT come to knowledge from the senses/mind. Alaukika viṣaya can be beyond OR behind.
      1. Behind:
        • That which is behind senses. Empowers it. The consciousness.
        • Why senses can’t detect/sense Consciousness:
          • If Consciousness comes infront of senses, it becomes an object to senses.
            • Meaning consciousness should have some properties which senses can observe.
              • EG: The only reason why sight can see color/depth/form is because sight itself is colorless/depth-less/formless. In same way, only reason why we can see form, hear sounds, feel sensations, is because consciousness (ātman, Self) itself is formless, soundless, sensation-less, motion-less.
        • Why mind can’t THINK of Consciousness:
          • Mind can only grasp thought concepts, but not Consciousness in which they arise.
            • EG:
              • What is 20 / 5? 4. Thought.
              • Imagine warm sun on skin? Thought.
              • Get sense of having total peace. Thought.
        • Conclusion: Senses/mind can’t apprehend ātman (Self) because ātman is “behind” them.
          • Also, no one can say “I am not consciousness”. Fact is, I AM conscious. Basic self-evident knowledge to all.
        • Called: jñāna-kāṇḍa, or Upaniṣad, or Vedānta.
      2. Beyond:
        • For this, you CAN use sense/mind, but still can’t come to know what Veda is speaking of.
          • EG: What happens to mind AFTER body dies? Veda explains, “Mind inherits new body type according to previous actions”.
          • Speaks about action/results relationship.
          • Called: karma-kāṇḍa.
  • Anta: 2 Meanings:
    1. Inside: Spread throughout. Not limited to one portion.
    2. Final message: Final message of Veda is found in upaniṣads, called: vedānta.
  • SUMMARY: Veda is means of knowledge for karma AND jñānam.

What is origin of Veda?

  • Veda is also called śruti (That which is heard).
    • Meaning, it did not come as “thinking about… then writing”.
    • Thus Veda is a revealed text. Hence “Veda” and “śruti” are synonyms.
    • Śruti came from ṛṣis depths of meditation. Received flash of clarity.
  • WHO is a ṛṣi? ṛṣayaḥ mantra draṣṭāraḥ
    • Draṣṭa: “Those who saw”.  
    • TRANSLATION: Rishi's are seers of mantras.
    • EG: Who is seer of:
      • Gāyatrī mantra? Viśvāmitra.
      • Taittirīya Upaniṣad? Vaiśampāyana.
      • Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad? Yājñavalkya.

About the 2nd Section of Veda (Upanishad or jñāna-kāṇḍa):

  • If Veda is called śruti. Then Upaniṣad section of Veda is called: śruti-prasthāna.
    • Śruti: synonym for Veda.
    • Prasthāna: A means / a vehicle which helps you attain.
    • So what is śruti-prasthāna? Revealed knowledge by which one discovers ātman (Self).
  • 2 more important texts related to Vedanta:
    1. Bhagavad Gītā:
      • Authored by Veda Vyāsa. Why called “Veda” Vyāsa? He took many parts which make up Veda and categorized it into 4. That way it would remain protected.
      • What do mean by “Gītā” is important text of Vedānta?
        • Complete message of all 108 Upaniṣads is presented in a narrative form between Krishna and Arjuna. Thus entire Vedantic picture becomes clear.
          • Meaning Vyasa had knowledge of all Upanishads in order to author Bhagavad Gita.
        • COMPARISON: All Upaniṣads are like cows. And B.Gītā is like milk of ALL the cows.
        • OBJECTION: Would Krishna & Arjuna really speak in B.Gita form? No.
          • It’s a battle field. Can’t keep verses going one after another.
          • In reality, messages were short. But Vyāsa expanded in line with message of Upaniṣads.
      • Therefore Gītā is a reflected text. Meaning, it is thought of according to Upaniṣads, in line with historical event between Krishna/Arjuna.
        • Meaning, Vyāsa was reflecting on Upaniṣads, then expanded Krishna/Arjuna’s conversation.
        • Reflected text: smṛti-prasthāna.
          • Smṛti: Reflected upon.
        • SUMMARY: Vedānta is now Upaniṣads + Bhagavad Gītā.
    2. Brahma-sūtra:
      • Also authored by Veda Vyāsa.
      • Whatever doubts/questions possible in Upaniṣads, he logically answered.
      • Called: nyāya-prasthāna. (Nyāya: Logic)
  • 2 Important figures in Vedanta Tradition:
    • Vyāsa:
      • śruti-prasthāṇa: Compiled the vedas.
      • smṛti-prasthāna: Bhagavad Gītā. Wrote himself.
      • brahma-sūtra: Wrote to clarify śruti.
      • Vyāsa is called sūtra-kāra. Writer of sūtras
    • Adi Shankara:
      • Called: bhāṣya-kāra. Writer of commentaries.
  • Revision of 3 Vedānta texts:
    1. Upaniṣads: śruti-prasthāna. Revealed.
    2. Bhagavad Gītā: smṛti-prasthāna. A past event Reflected upon, in light of Upanishads.
    3. Brahma-sūtra: nyāya-prasthāna. Logic.
  • Since all 3 texts are intended to reveal your Absolute nature, they are called: prasthāna-traya.
    • Each of 3 texts are independently complete. Meaning doesn’t depend on others.
    • Putting 3 texts together is called: śāstra.
  • Is Tattva Bodha a śāstra? No. Because it is not a complete text. Is it a Vedanta text? Yes.
  • Śāstra-granthatext  of Vedānta = Upaniṣads + Bhagavad Gītā + Brahma-sūtra.
  • What TYPE of text is Tattva-Bodha?  Prakaraṇa-grantha. Topical-text. Covers topics of śāstra, so can pursue it in more depth. And contains terminology of common words.
    • Comparison:
      • Śāstra-grantha: Deals with TOTAL knowledge.
      • Prakaraṇa-grantha: Deals with topical knowledge. However purpose of both is liberation.


Keywords: acarya, acharya, antah karana, antahkarana, atma, atman, bahih karana, bhuh, buhvah, indriyani, janah, jnana kanda, mahah, mahatala, patala, pramana, rasatala, satchitananda, satcitananda, talatala, tapah, upanisads, upanishads, vedaah, vedanta, vidya, visaye, vishaye, bhuva, pitr, pitri, mahah, janah, tapah, talatala, rasatala, mahatala, patala, alaukika visaya vishaya, atma, atman, bhagavad gita, bhagavat gita, brahma-sutras, brhadaranyaka upanisad, brihdaranyaka upanishad, drastha, gayatri mantra, jnana kanda, jnanam, karma kanda, mantras, moksa, moksha, nyaya-prasthana, prakarana-grantha, prasthana-traya, rishi, rishi meditation, rsaya mantra drastara drashthara, rsi, sastra-grantha, shastra, shruti, shruti prasthana, smriti-prastana, smrti-prasthana, sruti, sruti prastana, upanisad, upanishad, vaisampayana, vaishampayana, veda-vyasa, vedanta, visaya vishaya, vishvamitra visvamitra, yajnavalkya, yogis


Credit for help in Tattva Bodha to Chinmaya Mission's Swami Advayananda, and Arsha Vidya's Swami Dayananda.

Recorded 21 May, 2023



  1. Tattva Bodha – by Shankara – “knowledge of the truth” of the supreme spirit……

  2. This is AWESOME… So complete beginning with the original sanskrit text and defining each word and interpreting the sentence by structure and words in context….foundational…. And, then the easy-going but sincere style of Andre…great plus, and his method of teaching is to come at complex topics from multiple vantages and with a variety relatable anecdotes and analogies and proper amount of restatement….crystal clear…..SO GOOD. I am retired after teaching in a top-ten US university for 20 years..both graduate and undergrads through the engineering school. I understand teaching and this is top-notch. Hands pressed together,

      1. Thank you so much for your work, Andre! I have been searching for this guidance for a long time… Hope to participate on your online sessions soon!

  3. Andre, much gratitude. I finally am aware about my samaras and God led me to Vedanta. You were the first teacher I found. Thank you so much for your work. I am forever grateful. I will be starting the course tomorrow.

  4. Dear Andre
    You must be an ancient Seer to explains these deeper truths with such lucidity. May God bless you dear for creating new light from which we all can benefit so much!

    1. May you be blessed Mohinish. Involves lot of thinking, being vulnerable by exposing my ignorances to my teacher and willing to be corrected over-and-over again, then self-inquiring more from morning to evening for years in light of the Vedic knowledge. Like this, until last breath.

  5. I have commenced self-study. Starting with Tattwa Bodha. Completed 50 mins of video of discourse 1 so far. And I am so happy to have come to the right place at the right time.

    So far, 2 things have caught my ATTENTION as they answer my mind’s doubt “why vedanta”?

    #1 First,
    43:05 (1st definition of moksha is) disassociating from what i am not
    43:24 freedom from what i am not

    #2 Second, (establish in what you are)
    23:22 why need veda
    something mind and senses cannot reveal, they cannot observe it , they cannot see it, they cannot dream it up……..you cannot know fullness through the mind.

    The notes are very helpful. It helps me revise whenever I like to recall certain things.

    Thank you!
    (PS: I have this “spontaneous “i feel like” sharing” samskara to empty the contents of my mind as and when thoughts arise so I can FREE my ATTENTION. Please do not post it if it is unnecessary. But do correct my mistakes)

  6. Dear Andre,
    Much Much gratitude to you.
    I am so inspired to have found your lectures. You have Incredible clarity and your lectured are incredibly lucid too. They are genuinly leading. My humble prostrations to you. I have started Tattvabodha today and isvara willing, I intend to follow it up till the very end, by his grace. Lots and lots of thanks to you again for doing this. in addition to your lectures, your notes are quite helpful too. I can see the toil and commitment you are putting into your service. May isvara shower upon you, his choicest blessings always..
    With a thankful and a grateful heart,

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