Tattva Bodha: A Beginner Text of Advaita Vedanta
Tattva Bodha is a fundamental text for those desirous of liberation or moksha (freedom from limitation). It's methodology takes you step-by-step to answer true meaning of consciousness, origins of universe before time-space, God, and your true nature. It also explains technical words used in Bhagavad Gita, all Upanishads, and Brahma Sutras — which comprise the essence of non-duality.
Additional Resources:
- Tattvabodha PDF + Mind-map
- 🇩🇪 Recordings for Tattva Bodha Retreat at Vlierhof, Germany 10-16 July 2023
1 – Tattva Bodha (Knowledge of Truth) – A Comprehensive Introduction to Wisdom of Advaita Vedanta
Summary: Vedanta is a means of knowledge. Not a philosophy or “School of thought”. Definition of Vedanta (veda + anta). Three texts of Vedanta. What kind of text is Tattva…
2 – Tattva Bodha: Who is Truly Ready or Qualified for Enlightenment or Knowledge of Reality?
Summary: Discourse 2 explains what is viveka (discrimination of self and not-self). Who is qualified for liberation? What determines readiness? Vedanta is a growing clarity. Introduction to word anitya (impermanent)….
3 – Tattva Bodha: What is Permanent (Real) & Impermanent (Unreal)? What is Viveka?
Summary: Discourse 3 points out difference between anitya (impermanent) and nitya (permanent). Discriminative enquiry involves differentiating the two. By doing so, moksha is gained. Then points out viraga (absence of…
4 – Tattva Bodha: More about Eternal Truth, Dispassion (Vairagya) & Mumukshu
Summary: Discourse 4 sheds more light on what is the unchanging Truth, called Brahman. About proper attitudes of dispassion and qualities of seeker of liberation/enlightenment. Source: Tattva Bodha What…
5 – Tattva Bodha: Healthy Dispassion, Mind Mastery, Sense Control, Moral Duty
Summary: Discourse 5 speaks about healthy version of detachment/dispassion (viraga), mind management (shama), control of senses (dama) and uparama (doing what is to be done). Source: Tattva Bodha Adhikārī qualification…
6 – Tattva Bodha: Endurance & Interpreting Life Circumstances Optimistically
Summary: Discourse 6 expands with examples of applying shama (cognitive flexibility), dama (pause before replying), uparama (duty), and titiksha (endurance). Source: Tattva Bodha Adhikārī qualification 3 — 6-fold-wealth: śamādi sādhana…
7 – Tattva Bodha: Trust in Vedanta & Guru, Burning Desire for Liberation
Summary: Discourse 7 finishes the 6-fold virtues, which are faith (shraddha), single pointedness (samadhanam). And points out the final 4th qualification of adhikari, which is a burning desire for liberation…
8 – Tattva Bodha: Analysis into Ontological Status of Reality (Satya, Tuccham & Mithya)
Summary: Discourse 8 performs an analysis into reality using 3 significant ontological terms; a prerequisite to reconciling apparent differences in later parts of text. Source: Tattva Bodha Section 2: Tattva…
9 – Tattva Bodha: Deeper Analysis into Nature of Reality (Satya-Mithya Examples)
Summary: Discourse 9 uses more examples to helps us capture the implications of reality using satya-mithya method. Source: Tattva Bodha Section 2: Tattva Viveka — Method to Distinguishing the Real…
10 – Tattva Bodha: Self is the Awareness of the 3 States (Waking, Dream, Deep Sleep)
Summary: Discourse 10 further explains what is nature of Self (Atma). Self is the Awareness of the 3 States. Self is the Knowledge principle, because of which knowledge of objects…
11 – Tattva Bodha: Your Nature = Sat-Cit-Ananda & How Happiness Happens
Summary: Discourse 11 analyses meaning of sat-chit-ananda, how happiness is denied and how it manifests. Source: Tattva Bodha Verse: (Intro Verse to What Self is and is NOT) ātmā kaḥ?…
12 – Tattva Bodha: Ananda has 2 Definitions & Origin of Ignorance
Summary: Discourse 12 looks into two definitions of ananda and which is to be understand, and origins of ignorance (avidya). Source: Tattva Bodha Verse: (Intro Verse to What Self is…
13 – Tattva Bodha: Where Identity Mistake is Committed – 3 Bodies & 5 Koshas
Summary: Discourse 13 points out where Self places it's identity, thereby committing an error. Also points out the problem with superficial, or pseudo-spiritual approach of saying “I am not body-mind”….
14 – Tattva Bodha: On Karma, Rebirth, Reincarnation – Material & Efficient Cause of Physical Body
Summary: Discourse 14 speaks about the Material and Efficient Cause of your physical body (sthula-sharira). Source: Tattva Bodha Intro: Purpose of life is not to get everything right or perfect,…
15 – Tattva Bodha: Using 3 Bodies Model To Help Deal with Challenges & Gain Objectivity
Summary: Discourse 15 speaks about living from objectivity in reference to life situations, what is punya-papa karma, function of physical body, 6 modifications of physical body, and general intro to…
16 – Tattva Bodha: 3 Powers You are Endowed With & What is the Subtle-Body?
Summary: Discourse 16 speaks about intelligently using your mind, and what is the subtle-body. Source: Tattva Bodha Intro: Subtle-Body (commonly called just “Mind”) cannot be perceived by physical senses nor…
17 – Tattva Bodha: Range of Mistakes In Reference to “I AM” & Wise Use of Sense Organs
Summary: Discourse 17 speaks of the 5 faculties that enable perception and 5 faculties that enable action. Source: Tattva Bodha Intro: Atma (“I”, or Self) is Satyam. Satyam is an…
18 – Tattva Bodha: What is the Causal Body? — Beginningless Ignorance (Karana Sharira)
Summary: Discourse 18 answers what is the Causal Body (karana sharira), one response for rebirth. Source: Tattva Bodha Verse: (What is the Causal Body?) kāraṇa śarīaṃ kim? anirvācya anādi avidyā-rūpaṃ…
19 – Tattva Bodha: Causal Body, Part 2 – The Cause of Rebirth & Ignorance
Summary: Discourse 19 continues explaining the Causal Body (karana sharira), being mityha, beginningless, and cause of covering your truth. Source: Tattva Bodha Verse: (What is the Causal Body?) kāraṇa śarīaṃ…
20 – Tattva Bodha: Analysis of Your Waking, Dream & Deep Sleep States
Summary: Discourse 20 analyses the 3 states of experience, and show “I” cannot be the Waker, Dreamer or the Deep Sleeper. Source: Tattva Bodha Verse: What are the 3 states?…
21 – Tattva Bodha: Analysis of Pancha-Kosha (Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya)
Summary: Discourse 21 goes into technical detail regarding Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vijnanamaya Kosha, explaining you are neither. Source: Tattva Bodha Five Sheaths Verse: What are the 5 sheaths? pañcakośāḥ…
22 – Tattva Bodha: Anandamaya Kosha: Source of Happiness & Motivator of Your Actions
Summary: Discourse 22 explains the Anandamaya-kosha, the source of happiness, also being reason behind all your actions, but also cause of rebirth. Source: Tattva Bodha Verse: Bliss Sheath ānandamayaḥ kaḥ…
23 – Tattva Bodha: Existence-Consciousness Alone Is (Satchit Meaning)
Summary: Discourse 23 answers the question “Who am I? What is my real nature? What is original identity?”, being sat-cit (Existence-Consciousness). Source: Tattva Bodha Note on 5 Koshas Which We…
24 – Tattva Bodha: What is Ananda in Existence-Consciousness? (Satchitananda Definition)
Summary: Discourse 24 answers word ananda when used along with sat-cit. Is it bliss or limitlessness? Source: Tattva Bodha REVISION FROM LAST SESSION: Sat: TIME: Truth of time, and truth…
25 – Tattva Bodha: Beyond Science: Origin of Universe According to Vedanta / Upanishads
Summary: Discourse 25 introduces creation theories, Vedantic view of how universe came, and what is God. Source: Tattva Bodha INTRODUCTION TO CREATION AND THE MAKER OF THE UNIVERSE: Before going…
26 – Tattva Bodha: Relationship of Consciousness, Space-Time, Maya & Ishvara
Summary: Discourse 26 explains the terms maya and ishvara and their relationship to world and consciousness. Source: Tattva Bodha REVISION: Efficient/Intelligent & Material Cause because of which the universe comes,…
27 – Tattva Bodha: Vedic Model of Creation: Maya's 3 Gunas, 5 Elements, Ego vs. Consciousness
Summary: Discourse 27 discusses: Expressions of Maya's 3 gunas. 4 types of people. 5 Elements. Creation of 5 organs of perception. Creation of Mind, Intellect, Memory and I-Sense. What are…
28 – Tattva Bodha: Formation of Time-Space & Person & Jiva-Ishvara are Maya's Upadhi
Summary: Discourse 28 discusses: Formation of 5 organs of action and 5 pranas from Rajas aspect of 5 Elements. How 5 Elements densify into the physical universe. Once universe comes,…
29 – Tattva Bodha: Tat Tvam Asi (You are That): Literal & Implied Meaning
Summary: Discourse 29 discusses the literal and implied meaning of Tat Tvam Asi, as an answer to question “How can individual be equated to Ishvara?”. Source: Tattva Bodha Verse: An…
30 – Tattva Bodha: Who is an Enlightened Person? What does He Know? (Jivanmukta)
Summary: Discourse 30 shows that enlightenment isn't a random occurrence, but one that's a result of deliberately gaining knowledge about reality. Who is an enlightened person? How to identify a…
31 – Tattva Bodha: What Happens to Liberated Being After Death? / Logic of Rebirth
Summary: Discourse 31 explains the logic of why the liberated person is no longer reborn. And explains the mechanics behind sanchita-karma, prarabdha-karma and agami-karma. And what happens to jnani after…