Bliss (Ananda) is Not An Emotional State
INQUIRER: While discriminating consciousness from objects, I felt a sense of limitlessness. I’ve seen the Satya/Mithya chart and a sense of bliss/ananda came over me I think the highest…
INQUIRER: While discriminating consciousness from objects, I felt a sense of limitlessness. I’ve seen the Satya/Mithya chart and a sense of bliss/ananda came over me I think the highest…
INQUIRER: In my continued study of the Bhagavad Gita I am looking closely at sat-cit-ananda and would love some insights to this knowledge. RESPONSE: Firstly to define each word……
In last session 30, the student doubted Vedanta’s means of knowledge to remove ignorance. Student claimed only experience can provide knowledge of self (Awareness). Basis of doubt was, “You…
In part 29 we addressed two concerns. Role of the guru. And if absolute Truth, as revealed in Upanishads, is just another point of view. Let’s revise them before…
In previous part 26, a common assumption was corrected, “If one mind is liberated from the false notion of separateness, then all minds should also be liberated”. It was…
In previous part 5 conversation, the teacher gave way for student to ask one of most important questions which bridges the apparent gap between self and God. Student asked,…