Bliss (Ananda) is Not An Emotional State
INQUIRER: While discriminating consciousness from objects, I felt a sense of limitlessness. I’ve seen the Satya/Mithya chart and a sense of bliss/ananda came over me I think the highest…
INQUIRER: While discriminating consciousness from objects, I felt a sense of limitlessness. I’ve seen the Satya/Mithya chart and a sense of bliss/ananda came over me I think the highest…
In previous part 12, we resolved contradiction how can relative-words reveal absolute-reality, when words themselves are limited. Now nature of question turns to resolving differences despite all being One……
Neema Majmudar, a brilliant Vedanta exponent, elucidates how one’s nature is Limitless right now. For context how how this applies to you, below gives further elucidation how one can…
By seeming coincidence, three sincere truth seekers found themselves before the presence of a well known wise person (jnani or jivanmukta) of the land. Soon enough there was an…
Object-happiness (viṣaya-ānanda) is a name given to a phenomenon that naturally occurs in the subtle body. Brahman is of the nature of sat-cid-ānanda (Existence-Awareness-Bliss). Although Brahman pervades the entire…