Bliss (Ananda) is Not An Emotional State

Bliss (Ananda) is Not An Emotional State

INQUIRER: While discriminating consciousness from objects, I felt a sense of limitlessness. I’ve seen the Satya/Mithya chart and a sense of bliss/ananda came over me I think the highest…

Difference Between Consciousness & Sentiency – Part 13

Difference Between Consciousness & Sentiency – Part 13

In previous part 12, we resolved contradiction how can relative-words reveal absolute-reality, when words themselves are limited. Now nature of question turns to resolving differences despite all being One……

What is Limitlessness (ananda)? How am I THAT?

What is Limitlessness (ananda)? How am I THAT?

Neema Majmudar, a brilliant Vedanta exponent, elucidates how one’s nature is Limitless right now. For context how how this applies to you, below gives further elucidation how one can…

Does a Liberated Person Also Experience Happiness from Objects?

Object-happiness (viṣaya-ānanda) is a name given to a phenomenon that naturally occurs in the subtle body. Brahman is of the nature of sat-cid-ānanda (Existence-Awareness-Bliss). Although Brahman pervades the entire…