Lesson 48: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Summary of Compounds
Summary of all compounds in Sanskrit.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
This session deals with: CH18, pg 235-237.
4 Groups of Compounds:
1) Dvandva द्वन्द्व L18
- All members important.
- 2 Types:
- itaretara इतरेतर
- X and Y.
- EG: sītārāmau: Sītā and Rāma.
- samāhāra समाहार
- Show opposites.
- Always single, neuter.
- EG: sukhaduḥkham: Joy and sorrow.
- itaretara इतरेतर
2) Tatpuruṣa तत्पुरुष L18-19
- Second member important.
- 6 Types:
- case-tp (vyadhikaraṇa-tp व्यधिकरण-त्प् ) L18
- EG of gen-tp: rāmaputraḥ: Son of Rāma.
- Also this category: pronoun + noun.
- kd (karmadhāraya कर्मधारय ) L18
- Adj + noun (or) Noun + noun.
- EG: śuklamālā: White garland.
- tpu (upapada उपपद ) L19
- Last member formed from verb root + declined like a noun (nara, senā, phala). TPU = adj.
- EG: sattva + √sthā (सत्त्व + √स्था) = sattvastha(adj) सत्त्वस्थ : Established in purity.
- Man established in purity. > sattvasthaḥ naraḥ सत्त्वस्थः नरः
- Woman established in purity > sattvasthā nārī सत्त्वस्था नारी
- EG: śāstra + √jña (know) (शास्त्र + √ज्ञ) = śāstrajña(adj) शास्त्रज्ञ : Knower of the śāstra.
- (Krishna and Rāma)itaretara are (knowers of the scriptures). > kṛṣnarāmau śāstrajñau staḥ कृष्नरामौ शास्त्रज्ञौ स्तः
- nañ नञ् / samāsana समासन : (Antonym, negative, opposite)
- “na” (not) is reduced to “a” or “an“, and used to negate (antonym). L18
- Formula: add ‘a‘ prefix to: adj, nouns, gerunds.
- EG nouns : typical/atypical, vidyā/avidyā विद्या/अविद्या.
- EG gerund : gatvā/agatvā गत्वा/अगत्वा (having not gone).
- EG compound : karmākarma कर्माकर्म > karma akarma.
- Can NOT negate verbs.
- NOTE: Above ‘a‘ prefix is different from ‘a‘ prefix used in imperfect verbs.
- RULE: If word begins with vowel, negate with ‘an‘ prefix.
- EG: aerobic/anaerobic, uditvā/anuditvā उदित्वा/अनुदित्वा
- prādi प्रादि :
- Prefix (one of Pāṇini's prefixes contained on pg197) + noun.
- Whole comp. used as nominal.
- EG: anusvāra अनुस्वार > anu + svāraḥ (after sound).
- gati गति :
- Prefix (any indeclinable word) + noun.
- Whole comp. used as nominal.
- EG: antaryāmin अन्तर्यामिन् > antar yāmin (inner ruler).
- case-tp (vyadhikaraṇa-tp व्यधिकरण-त्प् ) L18
3) Bahuvrīhi (bv) बहुव्रीहि L21
- All members equally important.
- Implied meaning.
- EG: Harry was a Redcoat. > (1) Harry is one whose coat is red (2) Harry is a British solider.
- Bahuvrihi is always an adj, and it's describing a noun OUTSIDE the compound. What's more, the last member will take declension of the noun it's describing. Thus last member may NOT follow it's own paradigm declension.
- EG: kanyā rāgamukhā asti कन्या रागमुखा अस्ति
- 2 things to notice:
- rāgamukhā रागमुखा > One whose face/head is red > A read-head.
- mukham मुखम् is neuter. But it takes on kanyā कन्या (fem) paradigm.
- 2 things to notice:
- General Formula:
- One whose last_member is first_member.
- EG: Girl is (one whose face is red) > Girl is a redhead.
4) Avyayībhāva अव्ययीभाव L18
- Summary: Indeclinable/prefix + noun = adverb (declines) or indeclinable.
- EG:
- prati + niśam प्रति + निशम् : every night
- anu + ratham : behind the chariots
- adhi + ātma : adhyātmā अध्यात्मा (concerning the self)
- PG 239:
- 4 g-k
- 5 g-k
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Recorded 5 Sept, 2021