Lesson 45: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Nouns ending in -u (guru)
CH18, new sandhi rules. Nouns ending in -u (guru).
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
This session deals with: CH18, pg 229-232.
Sandhi Revision:
- Sandhi for final: r र्
- word1r + (voiced letter)word2 = No change to r. Join the words.
- EG: punar gacchati > punargacchati
- word1r + (unvoiced letter)word2 = Imagine the r is a visarga (ḥ). Then apply sandhi.
- EG: punar tatra > Imagine it's: punaḥ tatra > apply sandhi > punastatra
- How to combine r + r?
- Concept: word1r + rword2
- Process:
- Step 1: Remove r in word1.
- Step 2: IF a/i/u found before r in word1, THEN make it long.
- Step 3: Don't join to rword2. (Although scriptures may join).
- EG: punar rāmaḥ > punā rāmaḥ
- word1r + (voiced letter)word2 = No change to r. Join the words.
- Sandhi for final: p, ṭ, k प्, ट्, क्
- Before unvoiced: p, ṭ, k > remain SAME + JOIN
- EG: ṛk saṃhitā ऋक् संहिता > ṛksaṃhitā ऋक्संहिता
- Before voiced, change (p > b | ṭ > ḍ | k > g) + JOIN
- EG: ṛk veda ऋक् वेद > ṛgveda ऋग्वेद
- Below sandhi chart includes the 3 additional letters…
- Before unvoiced: p, ṭ, k > remain SAME + JOIN
- Sandhi RULE for word2 starting with: ch छ्
- If word1 ends in vowel — then ch छ् changes to cch च्छ् + join. EG:
- senā chāyā > senācchāyā सेनाच्छाया
- muni chāyā > municchāyā मुनिच्छाया
- rāmau chāyā > rāmaucchaya रामौच्छाया
- senā chāyā > senācchāyā सेनाच्छाया
- If word1 ends in vowel — then ch छ् changes to cch च्छ् + join. EG:
Paradigm for nouns ending in: -u उ
- Study the mas, fem, neuter paradigm on LRB 7-9.
- Main vocabulary words up to Lesson 18.
- As we're nearing end of Vol 1, if would like to continue, please consider buying Vol 2 (Amazon has latest 2016). Meanwhile, here's PDF ver.
- Say out loud the -u उ paradigm on LRB 7-9.
- Write 5 sentences using words:
- hetu (mas): cause, motive. (EG: Cause of suffering is ignorance.)
- guru (mas): elder. (wise person)
- dhenu (f): cow.
- mṛdu (n / adj): soft.
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 15 Aug, 2021