Lesson 34: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Relative-Correlative (Who, By Which)
Relative-Correlative Pronouns (Whom/which).
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
This session deals with: CH13, PG 173, #6-#11.
Relative-Correlative Pronouns:
- What is relative-correlative pronoun?
- We already know what a Pronoun is. They're found in LRB 32-34.
- To turn a pronoun into relative pronoun version (Who, Which, What) — just replace first letter with “y“.
- EG:
- tayā तया (with her/that ) > yayā यया (with whom/which)
- tena तेन (with him/that) > yena येन (with whom/which)
- Here's is example table for masculine pronouns (LRB 32). Same applies for Neuter/Fem (just replace first letter with “y“).
- EG:

- Regarding Masculine (NOM, SINGLE): saḥ सः
- Drops ḥ before all consonants/vowels, except before “a“.
- EG: saḥ atra सः अत्र = so ‘tra सो ऽत्र
- Usually seen as: sa स
- Has sandhi when joining to vowels.
- EG: sa api स अपि = sāpi सापि
- Drops ḥ before all consonants/vowels, except before “a“.
- Regarding Masculine (NOM, SINGLE): yaḥ यः
- #1 & #2 don't apply above. Only #3 applies.
- EG: yaḥ api यः अपि = yo ‘pi यो ऽपि
- #1 & #2 don't apply above. Only #3 applies.
- Regarding Masculine (NOM, SINGLE): saḥ सः
- How to translate (English > Sanskrit):
The man who goes is the king.
Style 1: *more common |
Style 2: |
- How to translate (Sanskrit > English):
yaḥ naraḥ satyam paśyati tasmai avidyā chāyā iva bhavati
यः नरः सत्यं पश्यति तस्मै अविद्या छाया इव भवति- Step 1: Translate directly to English.
- Which man sees the truth, for him ignorance like shadow is.
- Step 2: Put antecedent first.
- Man
- Step 3: Put relative word clause next.
- Man who sees the truth,
- Step 4: Put correlative word clause last.
- Man who sees the truth, for him ignorance is like a shadow.
- Step 5 (Put proper English order): Correlative clause antecedent relative clause.
- Ignorance is like a shadow for the man who sees the truth.
- Step 1: Translate directly to English.
- Sentences for Practice:
English: | Sanskrit: (Only Style 1 is provided. For practice, you do Style 2) |
- NOTICE: The antecedent connects the correlative and relative clause.
- Go over Spoken Sanskrit 12 (By the clock).
- Memorize new verse: One in a Hundred
- PG 179:
- 1 b, h, j
- 2 b, e, f, i
- If finish, then go to answers of CH13 and translate into opposite.
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 2 May, 2021