Lesson 33: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Relative-Correlative (When-Then)
Relative-Correlative Adverbs (When-Then. Since-Therefore, Where-There).
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
This session deals with: CH13, pg 172, #2-#5.
Relative-Correlative Adverbs:
Relative Adverbs (Dependent) | Correlative Adverbs (Independent) | Examples: (Sanskrit > English) |
Since / When / From where yataḥ यतः |
therefore / from there tataḥ ततः |
Where yatra यत्र |
there tatra तत्र |
Since / Just as / In which way yathā यथा |
therefore, so / so too / in that same way tathā तथा |
When yadā यदा |
then tadā तदा |
If yadi यदि |
then tadā तदा |
- How to translate ENGLISH > SANSKRIT:
- STEP 1: Read original:
- “We come to Rāma, (since he is virtuous)”
- STEP 2: Identify RELATIVE clause, and put first in sentence:
- Firstly, what is Relative clause?
- Without it, sentence still makes sense on it's own.
- Gives extra info to correlative clause.
- “Since he is virtuous“.
- Firstly, what is Relative clause?
- STEP 3: Find corresponding Correlative word in table above.
- “Therefore“
- STEP 4: Put it together:
- Since he is virtuous, therefore we come to Rāma.
- STEP 5: Translate to Sanskrit:
- yathā sa dhārmikaḥ bhavati tathā vayaṃ rāmaṃ āgacchāmaḥ यथा स धार्मिकः भवति तथा वयं रामं आगच्छामः
- STEP 1: Read original:
I see (where the king lives). | yatra nṛpaḥ vasati tatra ahaṃ paśyāmi यत्र नृपः वसति तत्र अहं पश्यामि |
I am enjoying the story (when you read it). | yadā tām paṭhasi tadā ahaṃ kathām rame यदा तां पठसि तदा अहं कथां रमे |
The teacher is happy (when students come to Sanskrit). | yadā chātrāḥ saṃskṛtamacc āgacchanti tadā adhyāpakaḥ ānanditaḥ bhavati यदा छात्राः संस्कृतं आगच्छन्ति तदा अध्यापकः आनन्दितः भवति |
I go (if you go). | yadi tvaṃ gacchasi tadā ahaṃ gacchāmi यदि त्वं गच्छसि तदा अहं गच्छामि |
- Revise vocab on PG 178.
- PG 179: (First memorize the relative–correlative adverbs above)
- 1 a, c, d, e, f, g, i
- 2 a, c, d, g, h, j
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 25 April, 2021
namo namaḥ āndre
A couple of questions from the homework
1g – यदि नरः सिद्धिं लभते तदा स ऋषिर्भवति
I translated it as “If a man obtains perfection, then he is a sage”
Answer says “If a man obtains perfection, then he becomes a sage”
Can bhavati be translated as both “is” and “becomes”?
2g – The student having thought, asks the poet about the river
I translated it as “चिन्तयित्वा शिष्यः नदीं कविं पृच्छति”
Answers uses मत्वा instead of चिन्तयित्वा. Are both correct or am I missing
somehthing? Can you throw some light on मत्वा please?
And a random question on relative-correlatives -:
yataḥ-tataḥ and yadā-tadā both can be used for when/since-then/therefore. My
understanding is either seem to be appropriate for cause-effect statements. Is
that correct? Are there any nuances when yataḥ-tataḥ or yadā-tadā should be used?
1g) When read Sanskrit line, I translated as “becomes a sage”. However “is” also correct.
2g) Yes. matvā / cintayitvā used interchangeably. Just like: vadati / bhāṣate. Whichever prefer. Lesson: Use variety of words, to help expand vocab.
Are there any nuances when yataḥ-tataḥ or yadā-tadā should be used?
Used interchangeably. No subtle nuances.
Although yadā-tadā is most common combo. Will rarely see yataḥ-tataḥ.
Thank you. What is the root for matvā ? I tried to discover using Sankosha app, but was unsuccessful.
2 offtopic questions, but I don’t know where I can ask these:
1. what’s difference between purusha and nara? Because I think they both mean “man” . Am I right?
2. In the book the letter”a” is written differently than आ. I often see this one, not the other one. Why?
Thank you very much
Nothing. Every Sanskrit word has dozens of meanings (man, person, sentient being, living specie, etc): Manuṣya, naraḥ, puruṣa, janaḥ, etc.
Can further write puruṣaḥ (mas: man), or puruṣā (fem: woman).
In BG 2:33 the relative/correlative pair used is atha/tatah. Does atha mean the same thing as yatah?
Thank you Andre.
No, because both “atha” (now) and “tataḥ” (therefore/thus) are indeclinable words. Meaning they are not related, and can be used anytime, anywhere.