Lesson 25: Sanskrit for Beginners Course
New verse. Tvam (you) paradigm. Adjectives. Asti (is) paradigm. “I love you”.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
- Class exercises
- Bhagavad Gita without sandhi
- Bhagavad Gita for Sanskrit Scholars (each word parsed, direct translation)
Highlights: (Pg 129-131)
- Adjectives:
- Comes before noun, just like in English. EG: Beautiful boy > sundaraḥ bālaḥ
- Has exact same ending as the noun it qualifies. EG:
- Beautiful boys > sundarāḥ bālāḥ.
- From two beautiful houses > sundarābhyām gṛhābhyām
- The two peaceful men come (for the beautiful fruit) > śāntau narau (sundarāya phalāya) āgacchataḥ
- Man remembers the (angry boy) > naraḥ (kupitam bālam) smarati
- If ADJ is used with GENITIVE, then it still goes before GEN. EG:
- Beautiful hero (of the scriptures) speaks about truth > sundaraḥ (sāstrānām) vīraḥ satyam bhāṣate
- Hero (of the beautiful scriptures) speaks about truth > (sundarānām śāstrānām) vīraḥ satyam bhāṣate
- Verb asti (He/she/it is):
- Most common verb.
- Means: He-she-it is/are. EG:
- That man is a hero > tat naraḥ vīraḥ asti
- You are happy > tvam sukhamnom asi/bhavasi
- Books are (our friend) > pustakāni (asmākam mitramacc) santi
- If sentence starts with “asti”, then means: There is… (NOTE: “There” doesn't refer to location word “Over there“. But as in “It exists“).
- EG: There is an (angry horse) (in your house) > asti (kupitaḥ aśvaḥ) (tava gṛhe)
- If “asti” is not found at end of the sentence, then assume it's end of the sentence.
- EG: rāmaḥ nṛpaḥ > Rāma is the king.
- In rare cases, when asti is missing, the two NOMINATIVES will exchange order.
- EG: nṛpaḥ rāmaḥ > Rāma is the king.
- How do you know it's not “King is Rāma”? Because (1) asti missing gives it away (2) context will tell which makes more sense.
- EG: nṛpaḥ rāmaḥ > Rāma is the king.
- How to say ‘I love you' :
- Verb for “love / having affection towards / fixating the mind with devotion upon” is: snihyati (He/she/it loves). EG:
- Rāma loves > rāmaḥ snihyati
- Rāma loves truth > rāmaḥ satye snihyati
- The object that is loved, is in LOC. This isn't always true, as it's also found in ACC in literature. Throughout this course, stick with LOC.
- Perhaps LOC makes sense, because your love is IN something.
- I love > aham snihyāmi
- I love you > aham tvayiloc snihyāmi / aham tvāmacc snihyāmi (Less preferred)
- I love water > aham jaleloc snihyāmi
- You love > tvam snihyasi
- You love me > tvam mayiloc snihyasi
- You have affection (for Sanskrit) > tvam samskṛtāya snihyasi
- You are devoted to virtuous knowledge of immortality > tvam dhārmikam amṛtasya jñānam snihyasi त्वम् धार्मिकम् अमृतस्य ज्ञानम् स्निह्यसि
- Verb for “love / having affection towards / fixating the mind with devotion upon” is: snihyati (He/she/it loves). EG:
- Familiarize with new verse, In Every Head, on pg 9.
- Do exercises on:
- Pg 133: #1
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 24 Jan, 2021
I have been using some flash cards with most of the things we have done in class, in a Google Doc for reference. I figured others might find it useful in the existing form, or want to copy it and modify to suit them. It has both IAST and Devnagiri
After some time, can even put index on 1st page in alphabetical order. That way instant click to reference.
Thank you Shiva – this is excellent.
I can also add to this to our class resource bank. I just found a chart for character combination. There is also a button for if you want to download the whole chart 🙂
I just use IAST (left side) to Devanagari converter, if unsure of combo: https://www.ashtangayoga.info/philosophy/sanskrit-and-devanagari/transliteration-tool/#iso_iast_kolkata/devanagari/