Lesson 24: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Pronouns (aham/tvam)
Revision of paradigms. How to use paradigm for 1st person Pronouns.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
1st Person Pronouns:
- Found in Vol 1, pg 128.

- TIP: Before memorizing, remember STEP 1 is to FIRST identify common patterns. Only then STEP 2 is to memorize.
- EG: Notice that Singular starts with “ma“. Dual starts with “āvā“. Plural starts with “asmā“.
- Frequent paradigm used in scriptures.
- EG: ” Whole universe abides in Meloc “, “From Meabl alone, this world of names-forms, is manifest”.
- This paradigm can also be used to make Sanskrit conversational/relational. EG:
- You come with me : mayā saha agacchasi
- O Friend, there is saddness in me : mitravoc mayi duḥkham bhavati
- More usage examples found here.
2nd Person Pronouns:
- Found in Vol 1, pg 129.

- Usage examples:
English: | Sanskrit: |
You go to the house. | tvamnom gṛhamacc gacchasi त्वम् गृहम् घसि |
You two go to the house with me. |
yuvāmnom mayā saha gṛhamacc gacchathaḥ युवाम् मया सह गृहम् गच्छथः |
You all come for me. |
yūyam mahyam āgacchatha यूयम् मह्यम् आगच्छथ |
The son makes food for you. |
putraḥ tubhyam bhojanamacc karoti पुत्रः तुभ्यम् भोजनम् करोति |
“My light comes from you“, the moon says to the sun. | mama dīpaḥ tvat āgacchati iti candraḥ sūryam bhāṣate मम दीपः त्वत् आघति इति चन्द्रः सूर्यम् भाषते |
Your cake is delicious. | tava modakamnom svādiṣṭhamnom bhavati तव मोदकम् स्वादिष्ठम् भवति |
I see light of happiness in you. |
aham tvayi sukhasya dīpam paśyāmi अहम् त्वयि सुखस्य दीपम् पश्यामि |
Rāma serves knowledge of immortality for you all. |
rāmaḥ yuṣmabhyam amṛtasya jñānamacc sevate रामः युष्मभ्यम् अमृतस्य ज्ञानम् सेवते |
We all have only reverence for you two. (Of us all, only reverence, for you two, exists.) |
asmākam eva namaḥ yuvābhyām bhavati अस्माकम् एव नमः युवाभ्याम् भवति |
Your (dual) knowledge is correct. |
yuvayoḥ jñānamnom śuddhamnom bhavati युवयोः ज्ञानम् शुद्धम् भवति |
- Study 1st Person Pronoun examples in group work sheet. Use moments throughout day to incorporate the pronouns.
- EG: O Lord! Conquer this ignorance from me : bhagavanvoc, mat etat ajñānamacc jayate
- Do exercises on:
- Pg 116: #4
- Pg 123: Rāmāyaṇa
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 17 Jan, 2021
I have a question about homework – lesson 9, 4.c. The answer to the question is given as “वीरो नृपस्य गृह एव तिष्ठति” with Sandhi. I was wondering why it is गृह एव and not गृहैव with sandhi.
only = eva
in the house = gṛhe
Hence: gṛhe eva = WORD1e + eWORD2 = WORD1a eWORD2. See red square here of sandhi: https://i.imgur.com/oQumCfQ.png
Final result: gṛha eva
You are right. I overlooked the fact that gṛhe transformed to gṛha. Thanks for clarifying