Lesson 23: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Sandhi + Pronouns (aham)
Sandhi for ‘t', and first person pronouns.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
Sandhi for ‘t':

- Let's look at examples of this situation: word1t + _word2.
- Exceptions:
- In above sandhi table, you'll see number 3/4.
- 3: The first letter of word2 MUST change to “dh“.
- EG: rāmāt hastaḥ = rāmāddhastaḥ रामात् हस्तः = रामाद्धस्तः
- 4: The first letter of word2 MUST change to “ch“.
- EG: rāmāt śiṣyaḥ = rāmācchiṣyaḥ रामात् शिष्यः = रामाच्छिष्यः
- 3: The first letter of word2 MUST change to “dh“.
- In above sandhi table, you'll see number 3/4.
Grammar: 1st Person Pronouns:
- Refer to table on pg 128. First say out loud each word, and write it down for memory. Only then see below examples.
- If starting sentence with NOM pronoun (sing, dual, pl) — then it MUST take on corresponding verb, 1st person (sing, dual, pl). EG:
Single | Dual | Plural |
aham gacchāmi (I go) |
āvām gacchāvaḥ (We two go) |
vayam gacchāmaḥ (We all go) |
ahamnom mamagen gṛhamacc gacchāmi (I go to my house) |
āvāmnom mamagen gṛhamacc gacchāvaḥ (We two go to my house) |
vayamnom mamagen gṛhamacc gacchāmaḥ (We all go) |
aham seve (I serve) |
āvām sevāvahe (We two serve) |
vayam sevāmahe (We all serve) |
- More usage examples:
English | Sanskrit: |
GEN: Son serves me. | putraḥ māmacc sevate |
GEN: My son serves me. | mama putraḥ māmacc sevate |
GEN: Ourdual house is for usdual. | āvayoḥgen.dual. gṛhamnom āvābhyāmdat.dual. bhavati |
ABL: Friend obtains water from me. | mitramnom matabl jalamacc labhate |
ABL: My friend obtains water from uspl. | mama mitramnom asmatabl.pl. jalamacc labhate |
INST: There is no knowledge without us. | asmābhiḥ vināinst.pl. jñānamnom na bhavati |
LOC: In me, there is happiness. | mayiloc sukhamnom bhavati |
NOM: We two go. | āvām gacchāvaḥ |
NOM: We all go to the men. | vayam narān gacchāmaḥ |
ACC: He asks me. | mām pṛcchati |
ACC: She sees us two. | āvām paśyati |
ACC: The two boys remember us (pl). | bālau asmān smarataḥ |
INST: She goes with me. | mayā saha gacchati |
INST: The horse is coming with us (dual). | aśvaḥ āvābhyām saha agacchati |
INST: Without us (pl), there is no class. | asmābhiḥ vinā vargaḥ na bhavati |
DAT: He obtains a fruit for me. | phalamacc mahayam labhate |
GEN: Of me, there is wellness. | mama kuśalamnom asti / bhavati |
GEN: We two have a son. | āvayoḥ putraḥ bhavati |
GEN: We (pl) have a house. | asmākam gṛhamnom bhavati |
LOC: On us (pl), there is an elephant. | asmāsu gajaḥ bhavati |
- NOTICE: Some words like “mama“gen also has alternative “me“.
- General rule: Stick to words OUTSIDE brackets. Although must be familiar with words inside brackets because they'll be used in exercises.
- Create some ‘t' sandhi examples using English words. EG: chairt + great
- Get familiar with 1st person pronouns on pg 128. (Get familiar means: say word out loud, write it down. Helps memory retention.)
- Learn new vocab on pg 113.
- Do exercises on pg 114: 1, 2, 3.
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Recorded 10 Jan, 2021