8 – Drg Drsya Viveka (Evening Satsang): Why Your Wisdom Isn't Sticking? – Cleaning Up Your Life
Lecture 8 speaks about Karma (law of cause and effect). Collapsing potential or possibilities is up to you. Emotions are feedback system how aligned you are to Ishvara's orders.
Source: Drg Drsya Viveka
Key Notes:
- Karma refers to both action and the result of action. Your intentions behind an action determine the resulting karma you receive.
- Your life is influenced by the karma of others through your interactions and relationships. There is both individual and collective karma.
- To align your actions with dharma (rules of the game), you need to use your emotions and relationships as feedback systems. Guilt, hurt, and conflict can indicate misalignment.
- Self-reflection and self-inquiry are needed to understand your own orientations and stories that may distort feedback. Discernment is key.
- Wisdom can be attained in one lifetime through sincere effort, self-purification, and Ishwara's grace, which comes from alignment with dharma.
- Maya is the creative power that manifests the world by concealing some aspects of the infinite consciousness to create forms.
- The world is a manifestation, not an illusion. Forms are real but their essence is pure intelligence arising in awareness.
- “All that is here is Ishwara“ includes both forms and their source in a gentle, devotional orientation.
- Connecting with the underlying intelligence helps one become a willing contributor to the divine order of which one is inherently a part.
- Worship of any form does not contradict the nonduality of existence, if one understands the source. Different practices suit different temperaments.
Course was based on [1] Drig Drishya Viveka book by Swami Tejomayananda [2] Book by Swami Nikhilananda [3] Neema Majmudar.
Recorded 17 Jan, 2024