Relating to All-Knowledge-Power & Brahman's Limitlessness (126)
Lesson 126 covers how to bring Ishvara into one's life and how universe is formed.
Source: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, Verse 5
- How to bring Ishvara to relatable level?
- FIRST: Understand Ishvara is all-knowledge, all-power.
- SECOND: Recognize that all-knowledge-power is keeping you alive, thinking, doing, deciding… right now. You (jīva) are constantly depending on it to help you move forward in life.
- EG: Vedic tradition helps relating to all-knowledge-power in form of orders, through devata names.
- GANESHA: Intelligent order related to obstacles, called “Ganesha“. Because praying/relating to Ganesha is more relatable then “Dry laws”. Therefore you're not praying to Ganesha-person. But invoking all-knowledge-power from standpoint of Ganesha (obstacle management).
- SARASVATI: Knowledge.
- DURGA: Invoke grace of Durga so we recognize and own up to our freedom to exercise our power.
- EG: Vedic tradition helps relating to all-knowledge-power in form of orders, through devata names.
- How else are we ALWAYS relating to Īśvara?
- All knowledge-power is studied by various minds. Those minds we go to, so we can relate to all-knowledge-power in THAT specific aspect. EG: Go to doctor, musician, singer.
- This process of RELATING is called saguna bhakti (relating to Ishvara as seen in CH10). Technically, there's no nirguna bhakti (as can’t devote to self as you are never not the self).
- Nothing comes from Brahman. All comes from Ishvara:
- Even to receive the teaching, is NOT from Brahman, but from Ishvara (in form of śāstra/guru).
- Irony: (1) We're trying to understanding Brahman, (2) But all means to actualize the vision doesn't come from Brahman, but Ishvara.
- All prayers are to Ishvara, not Brahman (even though it's the final goal). Entire comprehension/assimilation happens within Ishvara's order.
- How does jīvanmuktaḥ relate to Īśvara?
- Attitude towards worshiping idols (istha-devatas)? This is just one representation through which I'm recognizing all-knowledge-power. Meaning I'm invoking one aspect of all-knowledge-power which is meaningful for me.
- 2 intentions possible when worshiping idol:
- Worship idol to invoke the benefit associated to that idol.
- Worship idol to help you relate to all-knowledge-power.
- Attitude towards world for jivanmukta?
- World is not an illusion. Else risk stay away/rejecting world, thus missing opportunity for further growth.
- World is divinity itself. One becomes grateful for what is available. Because in-and-through each mithya form, there is an intelligence that makes that form what it is.
- OBJECTION: How come everything is divine, yet there is adharmic behavior?
- FACT 1: Baby is born with:
- Natural program (dharma): “I don't want to be hurt, nor hurt others.“
- Privilege to know, desire, do.
- Samskaras.
- FACT 2: Distortion…
- Through time, natural program gets distorted with own conclusions/stories. EG:
- Child associates “love” with “control”, by one parent controlling the other.
- RESULT: Adult starts to “control” others, disregarding their feelings.
- Associates fear to confrontation. So in relationship, keeps everything inside. Slowly develops resentment. Eventually comes out by embarrassing other in social situations (adharma).
- Distortion in relation to how perceive others.
- Judge subjectively. Brush entire person off. Because of own projections.
- Judge objectively. EG: “This person is result of many past variables.”
- We can help them by pointing out some facts. At same time, protecting your own natural program in the process.
- Biggest blunder is when others lose their rationality, and simultaneously we lose our rationality. EG:
- Since others are exploiting the system, I too will exploit it.
- Name calling.
- Person A: You're like THIS!.
- Person B: And you are like THAT!
- It's the source of relational suffering. Noone is solving anything.
- Hence wisdom is doing what needs to be done, without holding grudges. EG: Krishna.
- Person can either listen or skip your advice. EG: (1) Rama/Krishna couldn't reform Ravana/Duryodhana. (2) Parent/child may listen or ignore your wisdom.
- SUMMARY: You can't change entirely how others are. But deal with them appropriately only if: (A) You've put your own house in order. (B) Overcome the fear of rocking the boat.
- If your house is out of order, other's behavior will throw you off. And you'll start responding unbalanced.
- Therefore, by bringing Ishvara into your life, you behave from Īśvara-sṛṣṭi and not jīva-sṛṣṭi. EG: Everyone is ultimately a good human being, thus you operate from this frame.
- Child associates “love” with “control”, by one parent controlling the other.
- Through time, natural program gets distorted with own conclusions/stories. EG:
- FACT 1: Baby is born with:
- How does Kṣetrajña (sat-cit) become the kṣetram-world?
- What is meaning of Kṣetram-world? Time/Space and every objects that exists within it. Including Laws.
- Kṣetrajña has capacity to manifest itself into infinite appearances. For that you need: (1) Knowledge (2) Power.
- Just as Dreamer has capacity to manifest DREAM WORLD. Implying Dreamer has (1) Knowledge (2) Power.
- When DREAM WORLD comes into being, you become the Creator (Īśvara).
- What is material used to create Dream? Yourself.
- Without creating the DREAM WORLD, do you Exist or not? Yes. Else from where/what is dream going to come from!
- Meaning the CAUSE (Intelligence/Power) has to precede the EFFECT (visible/inferential Universe).
- In reference to Dream, you (Kṣetrajña) become CREATOR OF DREAM (Īśvara).
- Meaning, there is only ONE Being (Kṣetrajña). But in reference to manifest an entire Universe, it gains name “Īśvara”.
- QUESTION: Is All knowledge-power… intrinsic/inherent or incidental attribute of Kṣetrajña?
- It’s incidental. Because even when dream is created, the DREAMER (Kṣetrajña) preserves His nature, just as before the Dream came.
- You are dream creator, ONLY in reference to the Dream. While your intrinsic nature remains Kṣetrajña (the knower of the Dream).
- Kṣetrajña has capacity to manifest itself into infinite appearances. For that you need: (1) Knowledge (2) Power.
- What is definition of Kṣetrajña? Sat-cit-ānanda (Existence-Awareness-Limitlessness).
- What does limitless mean?
- All Knowledge, All power in potential. Māyā.
- Nothing can limit it. Including the possibility of manifesting itself into multiplicity (Universe).
- From standpoint of manifest Universe, this limitlessness is given name “Īśvara”. Īśvara direct translation: CAUSE OF UNIVERSE.
- There is ONLY ONE REALITY: Kṣetrajña.
- With reference to it’s capacity to manifest Universe, it’s called Īśvara.
- Before capacity is manifested, it’s called Māyā.
- If māyā is in Existence, then doesn't it becomes an attribute of Brahman (…because existence must be without attributes)?
- Maya is a power in Brahman, resting in Brahman and has no existence apart from Brahman. They are not-apart.
- Just like by mere presence of fire, the incidental consequence is power to burn.
- It’s incorrect to say “burning/heat” is attribute of fire. Burning just happens to be incidental consequence in presence of fire.
- Similarly, Brahman being limitless, the incidental consequence is universe of forms. To help explain these forms, scriptures create a word called “māyā”.
Keywords: kshetrajna, ishvara-srishti, jiva-srishti, isvara-srsti, jiva-srsti, satcitananda, satchitananda
Credit for help in Bhagavad Gita teaching given to Swami Dayananda (Arsha Vidya), Paramarthananda & Chinmaya Mission.
Recorded 25 May, 2021
I have recently joined your Zoom sessions and I am also listening to past recorded lessons. Is there a particular lesson in which you talk about swadharma?
Doing search, there’s svadharma notes at: