Summary of Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12 (Becoming a Jivanmukta) (118)
Lesson 118 summarizes CH12 in context of seekers journey. It's a chapter about your endeavor from total ignorance to complete knowledge. It shows us the progression of devotion to the highest.
Source: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12, SUMMARY
Summary of Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12:
- In CH12, Lord Krishna condenses essence of Four Vedas in 20 verses.
- How does CH12 start?
- In CH11, Krishna revealed to Arjuna that entire universe of names-forms, laws-orders are manifestations of One Intelligence.
- So from standpoint of manifested universe (you’re experiencing now), this infinite Intelligence is called: viśva-rūpa-īśvaraḥ.
- Arjuna’s mistake in CH11 was he witnessed viśva-rūpa (as though) an existence different from his own. So he pushed the physical world away. This act of pushing away (instead of embracing), sustained his perturbed mind.
- Therefore all restlessness can be traced to one root cause: putting things under the carpet.
- Meaning:
- (a) Choosing not to use free will to look into the troubling persistent thoughts.
- (b) Resisting what-is-infront-of-me, instead of taking time to get curious about it.
- Meaning:
- Therefore all restlessness can be traced to one root cause: putting things under the carpet.
- CH12, VERSE 1: Arjuna’s fear of the world motivated him to solve it.
- So he asked Krishna: To resolve my perturbed mind (the one obstacle denying me from capturing the final reality), which is better bhakti: saguna OR nirguṇa?
- What is:
- saguṇa bhakti:
- Entire karma-kāṇḍa section of Vedas. Every spiritual practice other then jñāna-yoga.
- nirguṇa bhakti:
- Self-knowledge, specifically found in Upanishads, Brahma Sūtra, Bhagavad Gītā (CH2, 7, 9, 13, etc).
- Can also mean mokṣa whereby devotion is spontaneous and effortless.
- saguṇa bhakti:
- Krishna answers: It’s not a matter of “better”, but a matter of qualifications. Meaning saguṇa-bhakti qualifies the aspirant to nirguṇa-bhakti.
- Then Krishna enters two topics:
- (1) bhakti sādhana: V3-12. Range of practices (specifically Karma Yoga, Upāsana Yoga, Jñāna Yoga). It’s not any one particular, but all.
- (2) bhakti phalam: V13-19.
- 1) Karma Yoga – Level 1:
- When person is born, they carry forward from past life (a) puṇya/pāpa karma (b) unfulfilled desires (unfinished business).
- Both a/b make up this life’s prārabdha-karma (destiny), which itself is modified by free will (puruṣārtha).
- This means, it’s unwise to tell young person that desires are “bad”, or to supress them. Because prarabdha-karma is too strong.
- Question: What practice to prescribe so this person channels the force of their prārabdha, into a spiritual sadhana? Because if prarabdha is left untamed, it’ll lead to ongoing cycles of rebirth.
- Answer: Person is allowed to do any action to fulfill his/her desire. But whatever happens, see the result as a blessing OR response from the Intelligence. Ishvara prasada.
- When person is born, they carry forward from past life (a) puṇya/pāpa karma (b) unfulfilled desires (unfinished business).
- 2) Karma Yoga – Level 2:
- Eventually bhakta becomes mindful of this Intelligence not only in results, but also in one’s actions.
- Therefore bhakta’s actions become a form of devotion to this Intelligence, and not just for my sake.
- This attitude purifies/expands the mind.
- How does it expand/purify?
- Long as actions are done for my sake, they’ll continue sustaining personal should-ism (likes/dislikes).
- What’s the effect of should-ism? A narrow version of reality.
- Whereas when notice your actions are influence the whole world, then actions become more responsible. Thus transforming the personality.
- How does it expand/purify?
- 3) Upāsana Yoga – Level 1:
- In CH12, called: abhyāsa-yoga.
- KY L2 lessened mind’s agitations (should-ism’s), thus person becomes qualified for meditation.
- What kind of meditation?
- Personalized, customized meditation that bhakta feels attracted to.
- UY L1 is about iṣṭa-deva; I am attempting to contact/enjoy my version of Divinity according to my notions.
- 4) Upāsana Yoga – Level 2:
- UY L1 makes buddhi refined enough to question the one’s own iṣṭa-deva.
- Persons gets suspicious at divisions of Gods. They’re all bound within time-space. Who created time-space?
- Therefore “iṣṭa-deva” notion becomes extended to entire universe, called: viśva-rūpa-īśvaraḥ.
- Lord is everything. Everything is Lord.
- UY L1 makes buddhi refined enough to question the one’s own iṣṭa-deva.
- 5) Jñāna-Yoga:
- Prior 4 stages have made buddhi Capable of grasping subtler realities.
- Thus final stage is whereby the mind inquiries into the non-changing Awareness that’s illumining the mind (thought, emotion) and the body (sensations).
- What is jñāna-yoga?
- Consistent and systematic Vedantic study of a length of time, under guidance of a competent ācāryaḥ.
- Competent means:
- (a) Grasped reality, and continues to learn/refine themselves.
- (b) Teaches wide range of topics per Vedic Isn’t selective.
- Exception (very rare): Guidance of ācārya isn’t always the case. Some carry over lots of culmination from past life.
- EG: Ramanujan (math), Ramana M, Nisargadatta (had faith in teacher). Even silent teaching (reminder to still the mind).
- Competent means:
- Consistent and systematic Vedantic study of a length of time, under guidance of a competent ācāryaḥ.
- 3 Stages of jñāna-yoga:
- śravaṇam: Expound Vedanta.
- mananam: Removal of doubts.
- nididhyāsanam: repeatedly reminding my higher nature to myself.
- Irresponsibility in partial schools of Vedanta:
- They go straight to nididhyāsanam. Meaning teaching mostly consists of REMINDING the seeker of his/her highest nature.
- This is highly ineffective (next to useless), because:
- (a) previous 4 sādhanās haven’t qualified the mind to hold the vision. That’s why seeker gets frustrated through time.
- (b) śravaṇam, mananam was skipped.
- Irresponsibility in partial schools of Vedanta:
- 1) Karma Yoga – Level 1:
- V13-19.
- How to know jñāna-yoga is working?
- The knowledge has an emotional transformation in your personality.
- If it doesn’t, continue 5 sādhanas (they’re not clear cut, but always in mixture).
- Explanation how self-knowledge has emotional impact:
- STEP 1: Understand ignorance is problem of buddhi
- Everyone is born ignorant. Math, walking/eating, language, etc.
- As we learn, we remove ignorance of ___. As we do, there is a certain relief.
- So far:
- 1) Where does knowledge and removal of ignorance take place? Buddhi.
- 2) Emotion (like relief) is just a by-product of having removed ignorance within the buddhi.
- Meaning ignorance of my real Identity is also within scope of buddhi.
- So far:
- STEP 2: Motive for removing ignorance?
- Why do we remove ignorance in the first place? Because it’s painful, frustrating to NOT know. It reminds us of our smallness.
- Meaning we can’t stand ignorance because everyone inherently knows “My nature is all-knowledge, all-power”.
- EG: Some find their own ignorance so repulsive, can’t even spend a min in conversations with topics they have little knowledge about.
- Meaning we can’t stand ignorance because everyone inherently knows “My nature is all-knowledge, all-power”.
- Why do we remove ignorance in the first place? Because it’s painful, frustrating to NOT know. It reminds us of our smallness.
- STEP 3: Many emotional issues stem from “inherent smallness”.
- Over time, person notices removing relative ignorance doesn’t remove my sense of smallness.
- This leads to low self-esteem, inferiority/superiority complex, greed for more, jealously, anger (when desire is obstructed).
- Root of problem is ignorance about “I AM”. Effect of this ignorance is emotional disharmony in various forms.
- Therefore, the more ignorance of “I AM” is removed, the more emotional harmony body-mind enjoys in respect to inner/outer world.
- BG 4.37: There is nothing as purifying as knowledge. Fire of knowledge consumes every sin.
- STEP 1: Understand ignorance is problem of buddhi
- What is the benefit of self-knowledge while alive?
- Change of relationship to 3 roles (we conduct while living):
- Role of doer (kartā).
- Jīvanmukta’s actions NOT born out of incompleteness. But done out of fulness.
- Since mind isn’t mulling over it’s smallness, it’s more available to present tasks, thus performance in relative world is improved.
- Role of enjoyer (bhoktā) / experiencer.
- Since Jīvanmukta operates from fullness, it helps one absorb challenging times.
- Role of perceiver (how the individual looks at the world).
- Jīvanmukta’s knowledge about nature of this world is firm (intelligent/material cause). Hence it perceives it with sanctity. Everything is worthy of worship.
- EG: Three people are building a temple. Ask each, “What are you doing?”
- One person is breaking stones, another building temple, another facilitating connection between God and people.
- Role of doer (kartā).
- SUMMARY: Therefore the true jīvanmuktaḥ is ironically the most prayerful, devotional.
- Fake spirituality is talking/teaching Oneness, yet life lacks an aspect of devotion, or dismissing objects in this universe.
- The more enthusiastic/proactive you are in life, the more spiritual. Because your place in this universe is not insignificant, because it’s within the scope of Ishvara’s grand order.
- Change of relationship to 3 roles (we conduct while living):
Keywords: abhyasa-yoga, bhokta, brahma sutra, ista-deva, istha-devata, isvara prasada, jivanmukta, jnana-yoga, karma-kanda, karta, nididhyasana, nirguna, papa-karma, prarabdha-karma, punya-karma, purusartha, purushartha, saguna, shravanam, upasana yoga, vishva-rupa, visva-rupa
Credit for help in Bhagavad Gita teaching given to Swami Dayananda (Arsha Vidya), Paramarthananda & Chinmaya Mission.
Recorded 16 March, 2021