Decoding Ramayana’s Symbolism in Advaita Vedanta

Decoding Ramayana’s Symbolism in Advaita Vedanta

The Rāmāyaṇa is not just a story of heroism, devotion, and the triumph of good over evil. When viewed through the lens of Advaita Vedanta, it becomes a profound…

ISKCON vs Advaita Vedanta: A Comprehensive Comparison

ISKCON vs Advaita Vedanta: A Comprehensive Comparison

Vedanta, one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, has given rise to various influential sub-schools, each offering unique perspectives on the nature of reality, the self, and…

Self-enquiry questions

What is the Purpose of Studying Scriptures?

INQUIRER: What is the purpose of studying scriptures? Ultimately, what changes or benefits should I expect in my life from this study? I am unsure and would like to…

Is Enlightenment an Experience or Knowledge?

Is Enlightenment an Experience or Knowledge?

“Who am I?” Though we rarely, if ever, give it deep consideration – each situation, encounter, and experience calls upon us to articulate a satisfactory response to this fundamental…

Vedantic Analogies for Contemplation on the Non-Dual Reality

Vedantic Analogies for Contemplation on the Non-Dual Reality

Based on the chapter “Illustrations in Vedanta” from Swami Sivananda’s book, “Vedanta for Beginners” (The Divine Life Society, 1941) Because its abstract truths cannot be easily understood by the…

Self-Knowledge is Not Intellectual

Self-Knowledge is Not Intellectual

A common criticism leveled at Vedanta is that its appeal is purely intellectual; that it stresses analysis yet neglects experience, emphasizes ideas but ignores emotions, appeals to the head…

Validity of Mahayana ‘Bodhisattva’ Concept

Validity of Mahayana ‘Bodhisattva’ Concept

Purpose of this article is to analyze Mahayana Buddhism’s concept of bodhisattva. (Article is not referring to Zen Buddhism’s implied interpretation, which is different from Mahayana’s more literal interpretation…

Nirvikalpa, Savikalpa and Sahaja Samadhi. What’s the Difference?

Nirvikalpa, Savikalpa and Sahaja Samadhi. What’s the Difference?

Some books say nirvikalpa-samadhi is the best fame of mind to assimilate Self-Knowledge. Others argue it’s savikalpa-samadhi. While Ramana Maharshi says it’s sahaja-samadhi. Clarify please. Nirvikalpa-Samadhi Firstly, nirvikalpa-samadhi has…

Understanding the Distinction Between Self and Not-Self

Understanding the Distinction Between Self and Not-Self

INQUIRER: There was a change of perception some time ago due to decent assimilation of self-knowledge. Now need confirmation for reassurance. When one knows oneself to be Awareness (Brahman)…

Self-enquiry questions

Doership Disturbs the Mind

Synopsis: Ramesh’s self-enquiry to realize the Self is unsuccessful. Two solutions are given. Starting from right standpoint, and right method. INQUIRER: Something is disturbing my mind: It feels like…

If Brahman is Everything, Why Worship and Devote to Whom?

Nearly all objections challenging non-duality and confusions by Advaita aspirants can be surmised from lack of discernment of 3 realities operating any moment… PRATIBHASIKA: Your own notions. Personal, subjective…

Selected Quotes by Ramana Maharshi & Nisargadatta

Selected Quotes by Ramana Maharshi & Nisargadatta

These are hand picked quotes I use for occasional self-inquiry into the true essence of reality. Quotes are meant for learned scholars and students of Advaita Vedanta who are…

Without a Second, the Final Conclusion

Without a Second, the Final Conclusion

In previous discussion, it was shown that those who know not the truth, seeing themselves a separate entity from the whole, even if sincerely religious and God-believer — are…

Self-enquiry questions

Individual Cannot Transcend the Individual

Synopsis: The inquirer is frustrated because he’s trying to experience oneself as an unlimited entity through a limited body-mind. He (a mind’s desire) wants to get rid of the…

Self “Sees” Everything As Itself

Self “Sees” Everything As Itself

INQUIRER: I see emotions and thoughts arising within me (Self; ātmā). I see the apparent world (including the body) appearing in me, and everything is just pure-being. There isn’t…

Connection Between Doer, Enjoyer and Self (Atma)

Connection Between Doer, Enjoyer and Self (Atma)

INQUIRER: I understand that doership is the “aham karta”  (I am a doer / doership) thoughts. Thoughts like: “I am doing the writing of this message. I am doing…

ishvara-jiva srishti & brahman

Understanding the Orders of Reality

INQUIRER: Need help reconciling various experiences that seem to be happening within my scope. Experience A: There is a world of objects and people. I am a body-mind endowed…

Is Attainment of Self-Knowledge Immediate or Gradual?

Is Attainment of Self-Knowledge Immediate or Gradual?

INQUIRER: I desire to know when self-knowledge is “attained” (liberation, enlightenment, self-realization) — is it gradual OR an immediate event. And is it completely permanent? RESPONSE: Attainment of self-knowledge…

Role of Meditation in Vedanta

Role of Meditation in Vedanta

INQUIRER: I am interested to find out about your thoughts, regarding the validity and effectiveness of different meditation practices. I have personally been practicing transcendental meditation (TM) and the…

Cause of Rebirth Reincarnation Samsara

What Happens if Die Ignorant (Why Rebirth)? – Part 44

In previous discussion, what happens to one who dies after realizing the ultimate truth (videhamukti). Student asks, “What happens to those who die without knowing the ultimate truth?“ “…